Ayzzzzzzzzzzz / RemoveDiscover

A Tweak that removes the discover Page
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[Enhancement] Add Spotlight Removal Feature #1

Open x-x6n opened 1 month ago

x-x6n commented 1 month ago

I'm quite new to github so see this more as an enhancement rather than bug.

I was wondering if you could modify or create another tweak that can permanently disable the Spotlight feature on snapchat. So far RemoveDiscover has worked wonders and i was wondering if you could modify it to remove spotlight too?

Ayzzzzzzzzzzz commented 1 month ago

Hi, that would be possible. But the problem is that snapchat is very strict and any modifications to the app are very risky. I have to look if it’s possible then.

Ayzzzzzzzzzzz commented 1 month ago

ooops only closed when it’s implemented:)

x-x6n commented 1 month ago

Haha, thanks.

I'm just trying to block all sources of distractions such as YouTube, Snapchat discover and Snapchat Spotlight. It's all a bit distraction and quite frankly, annoying.

x-x6n commented 1 month ago

Found a viable solution, you can use NextDNS to see all traffic activity and you're able to block it.

Examples of hosts: .aws-proxy-gcp.api.snapchat.com .europe-west1-gcp.api.snapchat.com


Blocking these within your /etc/hosts file could work and disable spotlight without tampering with the app.

x-x6n commented 1 month ago

Pay attention to any hostnames/subdomains that contains "proxy" or "gcp" in it