AzBuilder / terrakube-helm-chart

Helm chart to install Terrakube in any Kubernetes cluster
Apache License 2.0
30 stars 19 forks source link

Redis Configuration options #115

Open iam-take opened 2 weeks ago

iam-take commented 2 weeks ago

If you want to use a external redis cache solution we are able to configure this through setting some properties on the API configuration in the HELM Chart. However it seems that is not possible for setting SSL Required & Changing the port that is going to be used.

It would be very usefull to be able to set this as this seems to be a good practise to secure your external redis configuration with SSL


## API properties
  existingSecret: false
  enabled: true
  image: azbuilder/api-server
  version: ""
  replicaCount: "1"
  serviceType: "ClusterIP"
  serviceAccountName: ""
  resources: {}
  podLabels: {}
  defaultDatabase: true
  defaultRedis: true
  loadSampleData: true
  terraformReleasesUrl: ""
  securityContext: {}
  containerSecurityContext: {}
    moduleCacheMaxTotal: "128"
    moduleCacheMaxIdle: "128"
    moduleCacheMinIdle: "64"
    moduleCacheTimeout: "600000"
    moduleCacheSchedule: "0 */3 * ? * *"
    databaseType: "POSTGRESQL"
    databaseHostname: ""
    databaseName: ""
    databaseUser: ""
    databaseSchema: "public"
    databasePassword: ""
    databaseSslMode: "disable"
    databasePort: "3306"
    redisHostname: ""
    redisPassword: ""


## API properties
  existingSecret: false
  enabled: true
  image: azbuilder/api-server
  version: ""
  replicaCount: "1"
  serviceType: "ClusterIP"
  serviceAccountName: ""
  resources: {}
  podLabels: {}
  defaultDatabase: true
  defaultRedis: true
  loadSampleData: true
  terraformReleasesUrl: ""
  securityContext: {}
  containerSecurityContext: {}
    moduleCacheMaxTotal: "128"
    moduleCacheMaxIdle: "128"
    moduleCacheMinIdle: "64"
    moduleCacheTimeout: "600000"
    moduleCacheSchedule: "0 */3 * ? * *"
    databaseType: "POSTGRESQL"
    databaseHostname: ""
    databaseName: ""
    databaseUser: ""
    databaseSchema: "public"
    databasePassword: ""
    databaseSslMode: "disable"
    databasePort: "3306"
    redisHostname: ""
    redisPassword: ""
    redisPort: "6380"
    redisSslMode: "require"
alfespa17 commented 2 weeks ago

Sometime ago there was a pull request that added some SSL configuration parameters here

I think I never added those to the helm chart, let me check if I can add it in the following days.