AzBuilder / terrakube

Open source IaC Automation and Collaboration Software.
Apache License 2.0
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Speculative plans from Pull Requests #1011

Open akozhuharov opened 4 days ago

akozhuharov commented 4 days ago

Feature description 💡

TLDR: What does the community think about adding the option to run speculative plans based on if the VCS event is from a pull/merge/etc request?

Details: Currently Terrakube only runs on specific VCS branches, unless my understanding is incomplete. It would be very useful to see results of changes prior to merging them to the main trunk of corresponding repos.

For implementation I would go with another field in the Workspaces settings with a corresponding boolean flag in the Database. Then per VCS plugin the event can be handled

Anything else?

No response

alfespa17 commented 4 days ago

You are correct for now we only run the jobs during Push events, it would be nice to support other events like pull request for example to run a plan