Azanor / thaumcraft-beta

Location for Thaumcraft beta testers to report problems, suggestions and errors.
MIT License
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Getting wrong wands in creative mode (ver. #1767

Open AykaSova opened 3 years ago

AykaSova commented 3 years ago

Dramatic and impressive mod, deep gratitude for the excellent work, pray it'll go further and further!

One question of metadata for thaumic wands (thaumcraft ver. According to NEI info every wand has a metadata option, but in opped mode (using /give ) there is no way to get anything but "thamic wandcast" with ID 4440:0. For exmaple issuing a command "/give 4440 1 54 (supposed silverwood/thaum cups stave)" — gives player onlly plain wooden core with iron cups stave... Curious that Waila tooltip shows correct ID:metadata (4440:54) and wrong name, in inventory — wrong texture and in gameplay — all features of wooden core' stave with iron cups! I've notice this at different servers and projects.

What I'm doing wrong?

(Sorry for my broken English!)