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Thaumcraft Aura Generation Hanging (BETA26) #1769

Open SageofSouls001 opened 3 years ago

SageofSouls001 commented 3 years ago

Ok, so this problem has apparently be a reoccurring one.

On my server, I'm having the issue of where Thaumcraft has extreme difficulty in generating aura nodes in a given dimension. In my case, it's Extra Utility 2's Quantum Generator dimension, dimension -9999. My console constantly gets the message: "[Server] Thread-48/WARN [THAUMCRAFT]: AURAS TAKING ms LONGER THAN NORMAL IN DIM -9999".

On every single thread I read on here about this issue, I never saw a single one of them have a resolution posted, which is irritating... Nevertheless, the solution I need should be a simple one, so my question is this:

Is there a configuration file or a mod somewhere that lets me blacklist a dimension from having aura nodes being generated, whether it's by blacklisting the "block", itself, or preventing Thaumcraft from even accessing that dimension.

I've seen a mod called WorldGen Block Replacer that is close to a solution, but the problem is that the server can't even get to the point where it can replace the block (aura node) because the block (aura node) hasn't even been fully generated yet (or at least, that's what I'm assuming is the case). I've also tried looking into Dimensional Control, but for the life of me, I can't figure that mod out and the site I'm directed to for MC versions 1.10+ has literally no content for how to configure the configuration files for, well, anything. Aura Control isn't an option because it only affects biomes and dimension -9999 is a flatworld dimension with varying biomes, but no unique biomes of its own, so that won't work, either.

So if anyone has any idea about how to combat this issue, please let me know, as, like I said, every other thread on here that dealt with this issue never had an official resolution posted as an answer for them.

Minecraft Launcher: GDLauncher Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Forge Version: Thaumcraft Version: 6.1.BETA26

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dazadazu commented 3 years ago

I guess this was never solved?

SageofSouls001 commented 3 years ago

I guess this was never solved?

I never got an answer, no, but I haven't seen it happening in a while. But I also don't have any players online that are accessing that dimension right now. I do have a friend who can hop on and reproduce what he was doing before and see if it continues.

mgenjoker commented 2 years ago

We have it happening on our test server for our 1.12.2 version pack, even in Dim 0, Still searching for a fix. It runs fine in single player. Maybe I missed something somewhere on the server-side. (side note: Much to my dismay, because i loved being able to pull and combine aura nodes as part of my magic building architecture. Are they still consider a block since they don't exist in the world in TC6) (side side note: if it wasn't for the wand addon, I would have cut thaumcraft completely)

mgenjoker commented 2 years ago

I was able to solve our issue. In our case, one issue was a Mystcraft config issue, where profiling was set to be done during loading, in which it and thaumcraft seemed to be fighting per say. Another change we had made was updating our start bat to something more modern vs the last time we updated our pack (java 7 - java 8). This is our .bat you would need to modify it for your usage, make sure the java args are in one line -- @ECHO OFF java -d64 -server -Xms5G -Xmx10G -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseG1GC -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui pause