Azanor / thaumcraft-beta

Location for Thaumcraft beta testers to report problems, suggestions and errors.
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Filling Essentia Infuser prioritizes filled void jars over unfilled other jars. #1784

Open xJade00 opened 3 years ago

xJade00 commented 3 years ago

I have a setup where I have two jars, one void and the other is a Thaumium jar from Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed (though I have also tested with regular warded jars).

The infuser will always put the essentia into the void jar no matter if the other jar is labelled or not. I understand the intent is that it will prioritize partially filled jars over empty ones, but I can't imagine this is intended.

Using Thaumcraft-1.12.2-6.1.BETA26.jar (latest as of 1/6/21, link here)