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Mercurial boots #142

Open Vitzgraco opened 7 years ago

Vitzgraco commented 7 years ago

The mercurial boots would be a variant of the traveler's boots (if such thing still exists in thaumcraft 6).

Mercurial boots have no effect on the ground acting as normal boots or not wearing boots. However, these boots will allow the player to walk on any fluid (vanilla or other mods), even on the lava without burning. And unlike a mundane "frost walking" enchantment, these boots will not create blocks on the fluid, and will make the player much faster on these (faster than on land), although it has the disadvantage of slipping on these liquids.

Walking on a fluid with these boots would be like running on ice with level 2 swiftness and immunity to lava, and falling on a fluid with these boots is like falling on a block of slime. The player will bounce and continue bouncing until reach the floor level (or can bend, absorbing the impact damage).

These boots could be created in an infusion altar, and require aspects aqua, aer, volatus, motus, gelum, etc.

The name of these boots is not due to the use of quicksilver (mercury) in its creation (although could be used also). Actually, the inspiration for this idea is that one day I was bored and searched on internet "what would be like to bathe on mercury?", the answer is that you would not really bathe, but would float on it and even walk as if it were solid because of its high density and surface tension, plus that walking on this would be very difficult, rebound and slippery due big fluidity.

colejagdtiger commented 7 years ago

Really good idea, would love it if this became a reality, however you should note that the page is named Mercurial boat not Mercurial boots.

Vitzgraco commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the observation. I do not know how I got that mistake...

colejagdtiger commented 7 years ago

Also seeing as mercury can make people a little bit crazy, the boots could have warping 1 or 2 on them and maybe be found in the eldritch section seeing as walking on water sounds like the kind of thing you would find there.

ModMCdl commented 7 years ago

I would love to see a lot more done with quicksilver/mercury in this mod in general. I may be biased, because Hg is my favorite metal, but because of its fascinating properties, it seems like something a thaumaturge would work on a bit more than using it to make his pipes.

Also, I realize I'm a bit late, but its always good to throw ideas around. Who knows? Maybe someone will see this and make an addon!