Azanor / thaumcraft-suggestions

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Minor suggestion: An anti taint version of the smite enchantment. #3

Open Hyxaru opened 8 years ago

Hyxaru commented 8 years ago

As it stands, there is quite a handful of tainted creatures. I think, while most likely rarely used in favor of the all effective sharpeness, the shear amount of hostile monsters that fit under the tag 'tainted' makes such an enchantment justified. Where as smite is usefull near skeleton spawners, withers and wither skeletons, a 'cleansing' enchantment to deal with swarmers, crawlers and ofcourse the giant taintacle might prove interesting to some.

carso150 commented 8 years ago

That is a little op for the giant taintacle don't you think

darthvader45 commented 8 years ago

Though if it had a limit to its power (similar to the Smite enchant), that could balance it. Besides, the Giant Taintacle is a boss, with quite a lot of health and hits like a truck.

Cleansing I: +2.5 damage (1.25 hearts) Cleansing II: +5 damage (2.5 hearts) Cleansing III: +7.5 damage (3.75 hearts) Cleansing IV: +10 damage (5 hearts) Cleansing V: +12.5 damage (6.25 hearts)

Azanor commented 8 years ago

Hmmm, its a bit niche. If this was a normal enchant it would quite annoying to get similar to bane of arthropods. It could work as an infusion enchant. An 'eldritch' version could also be handy. In both cases though you would need to expand the need for it by fleshing out taint and the eldritch. Luckily I am planning to do that eventually.

carso150 commented 8 years ago

That means new eldrich and taint mobs