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Aura Borealis - combating Flux naturally #56

Open gabeernie opened 8 years ago

gabeernie commented 8 years ago

One thing that has always perplexed me is that Flux has a means of occurring in its own (via nodes/tainted biomes) and manifest in nasty ways (taint storms) and all we can really do is wait for it to slowly dissipate or clean it up by spamming Silverwood saplings and hoping for the best. I think it would make sense for there to be an opposing force to ballance out naturally (or manmade) occurring Flux, which leads me to my suggestion: the Aura Borealis.

This idea makes assumptions on the single vis type aura.

When a chunk has no Flux in its aura, and it is saturated with vis (to the point where it starts growing crystals) and there is at least one pure node in the chunk, there is a chance for the magical meteorological phenomena Aura Borealis to occur.  Manifesting as beautiful waves of ethereal light, similar to the auora borealis or northern lights, Aura Borealis illuminates the sky in its native chunk. All vis crystals (assuming they're still a thing in the 1 type aura system) in the chunk will experience rapid growth, and there will be a small chance to transform the chunk into a magic forest biome. Then, the Aura Borealis will spread to one random adjacent chunk, if any Flux exists in the chunk it is converted to vis, and the crystals in the new chunk will also undergo quickened growth. Additionaly, there is a chance to turn any nodes in the chunk into pure nodes. This process will serve to clean up naturally occurring taint, as well as Flux from messy Thaumaturgy.

(Perhaps there could also be a machine that can be placed above a node anchor with a pure node that will induce Aura Borealis only in that chunk, at the cost of severely draining the size of the pure node)

DeadSlayer54 commented 8 years ago

This is a good idea, however I expected it to take a turn for a more "good" taint turn kinda like terraria corruption and hallowed biomes

gabeernie commented 8 years ago

Well, it has a chance to convert the chunk into magical forest

Argis13 commented 8 years ago

I think it might be "colored" to a primal vis so you can attract it with the totems. (Or repel it. But who would want to do that?)

IronyAtFive commented 7 years ago

Huuuum, true it sound like the Hallow of terraria. The thing is that magical forests can be pretty dangerous sometimes... natural occuring would be acceptable to convert in magical forest, but the taint should nullify it. Like the original chunk would keep on to pour it, but once reaching taint, it will stop it advance. There it would need a thaum to increase the power of one or the other, helping one side crushing the second. But it should only do a Aura variant of the biome, which nullifie the flux growth. There is, magicals forests could be the core of aura biomes, but increasing the number of tainted biome should balance the power given to magical forest. And lets say you invent a machine that can beacon one of both side, it would serve as an artifical core, a relay to a core connected trough biomes. thise would get the current chunk to become a source of aura/vitium, and would get it strong enough to nullifie and create spreading chunks. It would break aura/vitium (either is the opposing) for a certain distance of chunk, which can be upgraded by relaying in more artificial cores (increasing the power of the cores already present in the network). It should also have (for aura only) a machine that let you disperse aura in the middle of a aura network. Letting you revert it to a original biome by relaying it to the core of your aura network (like for the upgrade/amplifier). This way, you can do a aura barrier to protect yourself, like by looping a network around a biome. It would also be possible to increase the core strengh by adding silverwood trees with pure nodes in the original magical forest, and relaying them to the network. and a silverwood planted in a taint biome would corrupt and increase the power of the vitium core.

I think thats all for now xD

carso150 commented 7 years ago

Love the idea, hope it can happens, but I think is too late

IronyAtFive commented 7 years ago

Its never too later, you can use it in a future update if you want! I really hope to have the nodes to be back like thaum 4