Azanor / thaumcraft-suggestions

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Compressed Space #72

Open Argis13 opened 7 years ago

Argis13 commented 7 years ago

In the nether, one block traveled equals eight blocks in the overworld. A clever thaumaturge might replicate the phenomenon, or even improve upon it. We can already create extra-dimensional space with the portable hole. It is not out of the realm of logic that one who can create a space and has an example of compressed space could replicate it. The research for this would be accessed by scanning the nether portal itself and one block of glowstone. Then, once you complete the puzzle, the page says something like this; "after scanning the doorway to and lightwaves in the infenal realm, it is apparent that the very fabric of space-time is compressed, and this is what allows you to travel a shorter distance in the nether to get to the corresponding spot in the overworld. This has potential. You think you have found a way to use the extra-dimensional space created by the portable hole focus to replicate this effect." In essence you build a door out of a new type of block, set the dimension it goes to by feeding it the vis that signifies that dimension from the top, and from the sides you put 10 times the amount that goes into opening a portable hole for normal nether speed, 20 times for 24 overworld blocks per one traveled in this dimension and 30 times for 40 overworld blocks to 1. This huge cost is only to boot up the gate, after this it costs only one of the signifying vis per portal, per day that is linked up to this dimension, and you can link up 8, 24, or 40 portals to thier respective networks. All in all, I think this would be a fast travel system for thaumcraft that fits into the logic of the mod and is pretty balanced.

Azanor commented 7 years ago

I like this idea!

slg407 commented 7 years ago

me too!

slg407 commented 7 years ago

but what about real compressed space, azanor could use ichuns doors mod to make a gateway that is visible on both sides and make it so it creates an room that ocuppies no space in cost for vis

Argis13 commented 7 years ago

The instant door thing is cool, and could be an upgrade, but there should be a limit on the range.

Argis13 commented 7 years ago

By the way, the dimension should just be a flat plane of stars. Maybe small nodes with compound aspects like vacuous, alienus, or tenebre?

Argis13 commented 7 years ago

Stupid mis-clicks.

slg407 commented 7 years ago

yep basicaly a thaumic variation of dimensional doors

slg407 commented 7 years ago

with transparent gateways and block that look like the end portal

angeltxilon commented 7 years ago

Or something as a new dimension fourth-dimensional (instead of three-dimensional) make of hypercubes with 3D textures and with a different chunk system for avoid lag? Or an hyperbolic world made of a tessellation of 20 cubes united by each vertex with a 4,3,5 geometry (instead of the classical flat tessellation of 8 cubes by vertex of 4,3,4). Okay, sorry, lately I'm too obsessed with miegakure.

Now seriously and on topic: I also think that add something as portals "rendering the target image" (ie, that seems be connected directly with the destination place) could be a good idea.

slg407 commented 7 years ago

hello angeltxilon i already mentioned a mod that those kinds of portals just look for a review of the doors mod by ichun

Argis13 commented 7 years ago

Hmm... how about a kind of combination of the two ideas? You can either just use the portals as they are or, in the extra-dimensional space connect the portals with a special block to create those direct doors.

slg407 commented 7 years ago

hey argis do you have a discord?

Argis13 commented 7 years ago

Fraid' not. I'm just a random teen who plays thaumcraft, not a programmer.

slg407 commented 7 years ago

discord is a chat system

slg407 commented 7 years ago

its basically skype, but better