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]@ bigdl run --silent curl --help
Usage: trurl [options] [URL]
-a, --append [component]=[data] - append data to component
--accept-space - give in to this URL abuse
--curl - only schemes supported by libcurl
--default-port - add known default ports
-f, --url-file [file/-] - read URLs from file or stdin
-g, --get [{component}s] - output component(s)
-h, --help - this help
--iterate [component]=[list] - create multiple URL outputs
--json - output URL as JSON
--keep-port - keep known default ports
--no-guess-scheme - require scheme in URLs
--punycode - encode hostnames in punycode
--as-idn - encode hostnames in idn
--query-separator [letter] - if something else than '&'
--redirect [URL] - redirect to this
--replace [data] - replaces a query [data]
--force-replace [data] - appends a new query if not found
-s, --set [component]=[data] - set component content
--sort-query - alpha-sort the query pairs
--trim [component]=[what] - trim component
--url [URL] - URL to work with
--urlencode - URL encode components by default
-v, --version - show version
--verify - return error on (first) bad URL
--quiet - Suppress (some) notes and comments
scheme, user, password, options, host, port, path, query, fragment, zoneid, (null)