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[Broken] Remove Wezterm from the repos (wezterm-gui is missing, thus it cannot be used) #19

Closed xplshn closed 4 months ago

xplshn commented 4 months ago

If the goal is to add graphical packages, we could start with something simpler like ST (simple Terminal by, or maybe some small window managers like CWM, Fluxbox, Sway (not so small, but some distros compile it statically), maybe even Dillo (the no-JS browser!), or some of the programs like Terminology.

Azathothas commented 4 months ago

wezterm can be run on two different machines, the server (statically compiled) on a remote cloud machine, and the gui (client) (downloadable from elsewhere) on your main pc/workstation. see:

If the goal is to add graphical packages

It is not, though if you can create PR which can build gui-pkgs all statically linked, without pelf/archiving etc, I will approve them.

xplshn commented 4 months ago

understood, I wasn't familiar with that use-case for Wezterm. I've always used Screen or TMUX