Azeirah / brainstorm

Project-brainstorm is a multi-purpose note-taking application which excells at free writing, prototyping, task lists and cheat sheets
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Make demo link point to Sandstorm demo service #21

Closed paulproteus closed 8 years ago

paulproteus commented 8 years ago

Hi @Azeirah !

I noticed that the Meteor demo was giving a 404, so I figure using the Sandstorm demo service is an improvement. provides some information on the special "appdemo" link I'm using here.

It caught my attention due to discussion of Brainstorm on Twitter due to @ScottWNesbitt 's article mentioning Brainstorm on

Azeirah commented 8 years ago

Oh yes absolutely, thanks! Meteor stopped with their free hosting service, I didn't think of using sandstorm for the demo. It's a good time to change the "Need help setting it up?" text in the readme as well, to show that brainstorm does finally have an easy hosting option, thanks to sandstorm