Azelphur / PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer

Uses adb to send fake tap events to your phone, alongside Calcy IV to automatically rename all your pokemon.
GNU General Public License v3.0
77 stars 32 forks source link

Clipper.Get #11

Closed Caprikey closed 5 years ago

Caprikey commented 5 years ago

After the code update from last night, mine is now failing with reading the clipboard. I thought it might be because i did not have the Clipper.Get Application installed. So I downloaded and installed it from ( However, it is still failing.. here is my log output from CMD

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.345] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users*****>cd Documents\Github\PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer

C:\Users***\Documents\GitHub\PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer> 2018-10-18 13:54:33,610 - PokemonGo - DEBUG - Running ['adb', 'devices'] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,625 - PokemonGo - DEBUG - Return code 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,625 - PokemonGo - DEBUG - Starting logcat ['adb', '-s', '42524d4f32413098', 'logcat', '-T', '1', '-v', 'brief'] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,773 - PokemonGo - DEBUG - Running ['adb', '-s', '42524d4f32413098', 'shell', 'am broadcast -a tesmath.calcy.ACTION_ANALYZE_SCREEN -n tesmath.calcy/.IntentReceiver --ez silentMode true'] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,911 - PokemonGo - DEBUG - Return code 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/propClient(22701): PropClient failed to load 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SLocation( 1459): onCellLocationChanged 1 / 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1)( 2093): onCellLocationChanged 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/bauth_FPBAuthService( 986): pcf : 0x1012 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/bauth_FPBAuthService( 986): thread id : 2, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 1, cso : 0, et : 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/bauth_FPBAuthService( 986): FPBAuthService, 7757 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PdnController<0>( 2459): onCellLocationChanged: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/VolteServiceModule( 2459): onCellLocationChanged, phoneId: 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/RegiMgrBase( 2459): handleMessage: CELL_LOCATION_CHANGED 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/RegiMgrBase<0>( 2459): updatePani: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): generate: subId - 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/TelephonyManager( 1459): getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 1459 / 1000 / 4067 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): generate: network=13, fallbackPlmn=310000, subId=1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): getPsPlmn: subId = 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator( 2459): getDataPlmn returns 310120 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator( 2459): generate: change to NW PLMN(310120) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/chatty ( 2459): uid=1000(system) ImsServiceStub identical 1 line 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): fragment is null. get simSlot from priority policy. 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): generate: subId - 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider<0>( 2459): insert: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): generate: network=18, fallbackPlmn=310000, subId=1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider<0>( 2459): query: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: --------- beginning of system 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): respondWithJson. command: get_sysfs_data 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): jsonParam : {"0":"\/sys\/power\/cpufreq_max_limit"} 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): response : {"0":"-1\n"} 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): respondWithJson. command: get_sysfs_data 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): jsonParam : {"0":"\/sys\/kernel\/gpu\/gpu_max_clock"} 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): response : {"0":"710\n"} 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider( 2459): Query(2459, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [iwlan_pani_format] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GlobalSettingsRepo0: query: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): generateWiFiPani: Format for generating PANI - [PREFIX];[NODE_ID];[COUNTRY];[TIMESTAMP] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PaniGenerator<0>( 2459): generateWiFiPani: normalized PANI: IEEE-802.11;i-wlan-node-id=c8d71911fd49;country=US;local-time-zone="2018-10-18T13:54:33-04:00" 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/RegiMgrBase<0>( 2459): notifyNetworkEvent: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/RegiMgrBase<0>( 2459): buildNetworkEvent: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,926 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider( 2459): Insert(2459, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig], value : real_pani=3GPP-E-UTRAN-TDD;utran-cell-id-3gpp=3101202c015960132 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PdnController<0>( 2459): getNetworkState: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/chatty ( 2459): uid=1000(system) ImsServiceStub identical 1 line 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PdnController<0>( 2459): getNetworkState: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/RegiMgrBase( 2459): handleMessage: PLANI_IN_TIME_CHANGED 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSubId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/DebugConfigStorage( 2459): insert() 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): fragment is null. get simSlot from priority policy. 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider<0>( 2459): query: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSlotId: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SimManager( 2459): getTelephonyProperty: value [310120] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider( 2459): Query(2459, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig], pro : [fake_pani] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/DebugConfigStorage( 2459): query() 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF0: updatePani: 9221 pani: [3GPP-E-UTRAN-TDD;utran-cell-id-3gpp=3101202c015960132] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SECIMSJ0: [0528]> REQUEST_UPDATE_PANI 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/IMS6.0: IMS_onResponse() Resp Id:600 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF ( 2459): readMessage: messageType 1 tid 528 pduLength 12 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SECIMSJ0: [0528]< REQUEST_UPDATE_PANI 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF0: processResponse: reqId 97 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF0: processResponse: handle 9221 result REQUEST_SUCCESS reason REASON_NO_ERROR 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): fragment is null. get simSlot from priority policy. 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider<0>( 2459): insert: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider( 2459): Insert(2459, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig], value : real_pani=IEEE-802.11;i-wlan-node-id=c8d71911fd49;country=US;local-time-zone="2018-10-18T13:54:33-04:00" 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/DebugConfigStorage( 2459): insert() 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Util ( 2459): fragment is null. get simSlot from priority policy. 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider<0>( 2459): query: 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ImsSettingsProvider( 2459): Query(2459, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/debugconfig], pro : [fake_pani] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/DebugConfigStorage( 2459): query() 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF0: updatePani: 14344 pani: [IEEE-802.11;i-wlan-node-id=c8d71911fd49;country=US;local-time-zone="2018-10-18T13:54:33-04:00"] 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SECIMSJ0: [0529]> REQUEST_UPDATE_PANI 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/IMS6.0: IMS_onResponse() Resp Id:600 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF ( 2459): readMessage: messageType 1 tid 529 pduLength 12 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SECIMSJ0: [0529]< REQUEST_UPDATE_PANI 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF0: processResponse: reqId 97 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StackIF0: processResponse: handle 14344 result REQUEST_SUCCESS reason REASON_NO_ERROR 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/adbd ( 2029): recv: OPEN 000000af 00000000 0070:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 61 6D 20 62 72 6F 61 64 63 61 73 74 20 2D 61 20 74 65 73 6D 61 74 68 2E 63 61 6C 63 79 2E 41 43 54 49 4F 4E 5F 41 4E 41 4C 59 5A 45 5F 53 43 52 45 45 4E 20 2D 6E 20 74 65 73 6D 61 74 68 2E 63 61 6C 63 79 2F 2E 49 6E 74 65 6E 74 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 72 20 2D 2D 65 7A 20 73 69 6C 65 6E 74 4D 6F 64 65 20 74 72 75 65 00 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/adbd ( 2029): service_to_fd: shell:am broadcast -a tesmath.calcy.ACTION_ANALYZE_SCREEN -n tesmath.calcy/.IntentReceiver --ez silentMode true 2018-10-18 13:54:33,942 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/TelephonyManager( 1459): getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 1459 / 1000 / 2383 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/propClient(22704): PropClient failed to load 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SLocation( 1459): cellList : 6 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: W/SLocation( 1459): handleEvent ENTER : currentDirection 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/chatty ( 1459): uid=1000(system) SLocationeServi identical 6 lines 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: W/SLocation( 1459): handleEvent ENTER : currentDirection 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: W/SLocation( 1459): handleEvent ENTER : currentDirection 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: W/SLocation( 1459): handleEvent ENTER : currentDirection 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/propClient(22704): PropClient failed to load 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/propClient(22706): PropClient failed to load 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/ActivityManager( 1459): getPackageFromAppProcesses, return null :22706 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/IntentReceiver(17175): Received intent: tesmath.calcy.ACTION_ANALYZE_SCREEN 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/MainService(17175): Action: tesmath.calcy.ACTION_ANALYZE_SCREEN 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: V/MainService(17175): SilentMode: true 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): [SvMeas] SeqNum: 1, MaxMsgNum: 2, MeasValid: 1, #of SV: 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_SV_INFO_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_GNSS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): [SvMeas] SeqNum: 2, MaxMsgNum: 2, MeasValid: 1, #of SV: 1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_libulp( 958): ulp_brain_process_gnss_sv_report, gnss sv report cnt = 7805, gnss pos report cnt = 936,strong sv cnt = 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/chatty ( 958): uid=1000(system) Loc_hal identical 2 lines 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/LocSvc_ApiV02( 958): <--- globalEventCb line 171 QMI_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_IND_V02 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GnssLocationProvider_ex( 1459): SV Count : 2 (PRN, Constellation, SNR, Used) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GnssLocationProvider_ex( 1459): (21, GPS, 13.3, 0) (8, GLONASS, 11.9, 0) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: V/Surface (17175): sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: V/Surface ( 1459): sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/DisplayManagerService( 1459): Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"screen-mirror": uniqueId="virtual:tesmath.calcy,10369,screen-mirror,0", 1440 x 2960, modeId 80, defaultModeId 80, supportedModes [{id=80, width=1440, height=2960, fps=60.0}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], HdrCapabilities null, density 529, 529.0 x 529.0 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 16666666, touch NONE, rotation 0, fixedOrientation -1, type VIRTUAL, state ON, owner tesmath.calcy (uid 10369), FLAG_PRIVATE, FLAG_PRESENTATION} 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PermissionMonitor( 1459): we received permission notification for rUid: 10369, rPid: 17175from rModuleFlag: 1048576 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/PermissionMonitor( 1459): Binder.getCallingUid(): 1000 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/PermissionMonitor( 1459): packageName: tesmath.calcy 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/PermissionMonitor( 1459): Calling app is not pre-installed on system. Ignore its notification. pkgName: tesmath.calcy, UserId: 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 2093): handleStatusBarState( false ) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/PermissionMonitor( 1459): We found matching pid. (uid, pid) : (10369, 17175) ... importance: 125 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/PermissionMonitor( 1459): App has at least one process in foreground. uid: 10369 pid: 17175 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/PermissionMonitor( 1459): App is not in hidden status (background/etc). Ignore 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): onDisplayChanged. displyId: 77, state: 2 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/ActivityManager( 1459): Override config changes=205df8 {0 0.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir sw435dp w435dp h895dp 529dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1440, 2960) mkbd/h desktop/d ?dc} for displayId=77 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/GameTools( 7482): DreamToolsEventMgr : onDisplayChanged id : 77 2018-10-18 13:54:33,958 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/OpenGLRenderer(17175): eglDestroySurface = 0xd10a0cc0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: V/Surface ( 716): sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/FrameEvents( 716): Source mDeltas not empty. 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: E/FrameEvents( 716): Source mDeltas not empty. 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/DisplayDevice( 716): [MultiResolution] Input Value : o = 0, v = (-1x-1), f = (-1x-1), pre-mScaledDisplay = (0x0), mDisplay = (1440x2960) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/DisplayDevice( 716): [MultiResolution] Input Value : o = 0, v = (1440x2960), f = (1440x2960), pre-mScaledDisplay = (1440x2960), mDisplay = (1440x2960) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: V/WindowManager( 1459): Relayout Window{3aec7d9 u0 tesmath.calcy}: viewVisibility=8 req=189x189 WM.LayoutParams{(3234,644)(wrapxwrap) gr=#800033 sim=#20 ty=2038 fl=#1000128 fmt=-3 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): onDisplayChanged. displyId: 77, state: 2 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/HWComposer( 716): getActiveConfigs: Attempted to access invalid display -1 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/GameTools( 7482): DreamToolsEventMgr : onDisplayChanged id : 77 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/WindowManager( 1459): Destroying surface Surface(name=) called by android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): id=617 Removed #0 (7/14) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): id=617 Removed #0 (-2/14) 2018-10-18 13:54:33,973 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/Layer ( 716): id=617 onRemoved #0 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/ViewRootImpl@a3fd18b: Relayout returned: old=[1251,644][1440,833] new=[1251,644][1440,833] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PointerController( 1459): mLocked.displayWidth 1440, mLocked.displayHeight 2960 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/EdgeLightingManager( 1459): isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/EdgeLightingManager( 1459): hideForNotification : packageName = android 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/EdgeLightingPolicyManagerNotificationGroup( 1459): remove :0|android|0| - tesmath.calcy|1000,size=2 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/EdgeLightingPolicyManager.NotificationGroup( 1459): 0||2147483647|null|10408:NotificationData time=1539873425979, 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/EdgeLightingPolicyManager.NotificationGroup( 1459): 0|tesmath.calcy|1|null|10369:NotificationData time=1539875465406, 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/EdgeLightingManager( 1459): hideForNotification : isInteractive is true 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): respondWithJson. command: get_fg_activity 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): jsonParam : null 2018-10-18 13:54:33,989 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/GameManagerService( 1459): response : {"fg_activity":"com.nianticlabs.pokemongo\/com.nianticproject.holoholo.libholoholo.unity.UnityMainActivity"} 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/LightsService( 1459): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 1459) 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PowerManagerUtil( 1459): fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/LightsService( 1459): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/HWComposer( 716): getActiveConfigs: Attempted to access invalid display -1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/InputReader( 1459): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/LightsService( 1459): [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/LightsService( 1459): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right 2018-10-18 13:54:34,005 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PowerManagerUtil( 1459): fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Notification( 1459): allPendingIntents 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Notification( 1459): allPendingIntents 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Notification( 1459): allPendingIntents 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/Notification( 1459): allPendingIntents 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/KeyguardServiceBoxContainer( 2093): updateCMAS() hasCmasNotification = false, mHasCMAS = false 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Display 0 HWC layers: 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Device | 0x78478d3180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 771.0 1495.2 | 0 0 1440 2791 | SurfaceView - com.nianticlabs.pokemo[...].unity.UnityMainActivity@5352378@4#0 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Device | 0x7847909000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 972.0 57.0 | 0 0 1440 84 | com.nianticlabs.pokemongo/com.nianti[...]ibholoholo.unity.UnityMainActivity#0 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Device | 0x784799f000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 50.0 2792.0 | 0 0 50 2792 | #1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Device | 0x7847909800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 50.0 2792.0 | 1390 0 1440 2792 | #2 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Device | 0x784a436580 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1440.0 84.0 | 0 0 1440 84 | StatusBar#0 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): Device | 0x7847fd8680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1440.0 168.0 | 0 2792 1440 2960 | NavigationBar#0 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): De 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): vice | 0x784a436300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1440.0 2960.0 | 0 0 1440 2960 | PointerLocation#0 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/SurfaceFlinger( 716): 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/HWComposer( 716): getActiveConfigs: Attempted to access invalid display -1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,011 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 2093): handleStatusBarState( false ) 2018-10-18 13:54:34,027 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/HWComposer( 716): getActiveConfigs: Attempted to access invalid display -1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,074 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/HWComposer( 716): getActiveConfigs: Attempted to access invalid display -1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,074 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/uGB (26606): AP Temp: 36.2 2018-10-18 13:54:34,089 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/HWComposer( 716): getActiveConfigs: Attempted to access invalid display -1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/DisplayManagerService( 1459): Display device removed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"screen-mirror": uniqueId="virtual:tesmath.calcy,10369,screen-mirror,0", 1440 x 2960, modeId 80, defaultModeId 80, supportedModes [{id=80, width=1440, height=2960, fps=60.0}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], HdrCapabilities null, density 529, 529.0 x 529.0 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 16666666, touch NONE, rotation 0, fixedOrientation -1, type VIRTUAL, state ON, owner tesmath.calcy (uid 10369), FLAG_PRIVATE, FLAG_PRESENTATION} 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): *** Analyzing 4 screenshots *** 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): isMonsterScreen: White box confidence: 0.96 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): isMonsterScreen: HP-Bar confidence: 1.00 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): Detected monster screen 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/SecExternalDisplayService_Java( 1459): Display is null 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/StatusBar( 2093): onDisplayRemoved() displayID = 77, mDexDualDisplayId = -1 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: V/WindowManager( 1459): Removing display=Display 77 info=DisplayInfo{"screen-mirror", uniqueId "virtual:tesmath.calcy,10369,screen-mirror,0", app 1440 x 2960, real 1440 x 2960, largest app 2960 x 2960, smallest app 1440 x 1440, mode 80, defaultMode 80, modes [{id=80, width=1440, height=2960, fps=60.0}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities null, rotation 0, density 529 (529.0 x 529.0) dpi, layerStack 77, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 16666666, type VIRTUAL, state ON, owner tesmath.calcy (uid 10369), FLAG_PRIVATE, FLAG_PRESENTATION, removeMode 1} stacks=[] 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-Dust: 2500 2018-10-18 13:54:34,128 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): Search level: 20.0 (0.938, trainer level: 33) 2018-10-18 13:54:34,143 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/PointerController( 1459): mLocked.displayWidth 1440, mLocked.displayHeight 2960 2018-10-18 13:54:34,143 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/InputReader( 1459): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 2018-10-18 13:54:34,143 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-CandyName (scaled): ARON CANDY 2018-10-18 13:54:34,143 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-CandyName after processing: ARON 2018-10-18 13:54:34,143 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): Found candy name: Aron 2018-10-18 13:54:34,143 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-EvoCost: 2 2018-10-18 13:54:34,158 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-HP: 68/68HP 2018-10-18 13:54:34,158 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-CP: ᴄᴘ700 2018-10-18 13:54:34,158 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): OCR-Gender: ♂ 2018-10-18 13:54:34,158 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/aw (17175): Analyzer found all values using 1 screenshots 2018-10-18 13:54:34,174 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: I/aw (17175): Screenshot analysis took 47ms 2018-10-18 13:54:34,174 - ivcheck - DEBUG - logcat line received: D/MainService(17175): Received values: Id: 303 (Aron), Nr: 304, CP: 700, Max HP: 68, Dust cost: 2500, Level: 20.0, FastMove err, SpecialMove err, Gender 1, Level-up false: 2018-10-18 13:54:34,174 - ivcheck - DEBUG - RE_CALCY_IV matched Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users*\Documents\GitHub\PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer\", line 299, in File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 43, in run return loop.run_until_complete(main) File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 576, in run_until_complete return future.result() File "C:\Users*\Documents\GitHub\PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer\", line 108, in start await self.tap('rename') File "C:\Users*\Documents\GitHub\PokemonGo-CalcyIV-Renamer\", line 50, in tap await self.p.tap(*self.config['locations'][location]) KeyError: 'rename' Exception ignored in: <function BaseSubprocessTransport.del at 0x000001C890FE0730> Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 127, in del File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 104, in close File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 86, in close File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 680, in call_soon File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 469, in _check_closed RuntimeError: Event loop is closed Exception ignored in: <function _ProactorBasePipeTransport.del at 0x000001C890FF6C80> Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 95, in del File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 86, in close File "C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 680, in call_soon File "C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 469, in _check_closed RuntimeError: Event loop is closed


Caprikey commented 5 years ago

Same error will occur when running with touch-paste argument parameters

Caprikey commented 5 years ago

Perhaps it needs to be sent with the update ADB intent like we had to do with the Analyze Screen Intent.

Azelphur commented 5 years ago

This error is caused because your config file lacks a "rename" entry under locations, please restore that config entry and retry.

Caprikey commented 5 years ago

Perfect. That corrected the error. However, now i'm noticing that my script fails to continue forward. The failure appears to be that the OK button on the rename is not clicked. This is most likely my fault.

If it's not too much trouble for you today, would you perhaps be able to get the 'region map' you were referring to in your reply on Issue #9 ... Or a basic overview of what coordinates are needed to go with what regions/items while you work towards said region map. I have a feeling that I have incorrect regions mapped.

I'm almost betting I've got the wrong coordinates and was being stupid.. I'm going to go over what I have again real quick.

Caprikey commented 5 years ago

Yep.. I was stupid.

I pulled the wrong coordinates from the mapping I had done for my application that I was building before discovering your wonderful creation..

I had sent an adb keyevent to delete the contents (Del Key), then I performed a tap on the Clipboard Symbol on my default Samsung Keyboard, and then selected the far left item. ... I pulled those coordinates by mistake.

Sooo.. I guess think of this last issue as a friendly reminder about the FAQ/Tutorial you were going to make hahaha

Thanks again.