Azer0s / HadesLang

The Hades Programming Language
MIT License
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Hades v1.0 - Starting from scratch #153

Open Azer0s opened 4 years ago

Azer0s commented 4 years ago

Okay y'all. This one is going to be a biggie. I will be completely rewriting this repo.

Ground up. From zero. In C.

I have been thinking about this for a long time now and I really want to do this. I always wanted a fast, feature rich language in which I can do all my coding in and Hades has most of the features I want and need but none of the speed.

As per usual, I will not be using lex or yacc, but writing both the lexer as well as the parser in C. For GC, I am planning on using Boehm and concurrency will be handled with libmill.

I still want to keep it interpreted (more or less - I will either be writing my own VM and JIT or will use LLVM) but am not opposed to making it compiled (to C; if I can work around the entire reflection issue somehow).

Yeah...stay tuned ;)

Azer0s commented 4 years ago