Closed Pahonix closed 1 year ago
It looks like a change in the API in 10.0.7 is leading to a lua error on autoselects when player is presented with a gossip frame.
| 10.0.5 (47825) → 10.0.7 (47983) Feb 5 2023 | ADDED | ... | C_GossipInfo.SelectOptionByIndex
GossipOptionUIInfo # 1: gossipOptionID, Nilable: false -> true
If I don't let it autoaccept by holding Control and manually selecting the gossip option, it does not produce a LUA error.
APR 2.2.0
Retail (Default)
5x FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:268: attempt to call method 'SelectOptionByIndex' (a nil value) [string "@FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua"]:268: in function `SelectGossipOption' [string "@APR-Core/QuestHandler.lua"]:3336: in function <APR-Core/QuestHandler.lua:3058> Locals: index = 1 (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = GossipFrame { 0 = <userdata> SetPortraitShown = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:102 GetTitleText = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:28 gossipOptions = <table> { } SetPortraitTexCoord = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:98 tutorialButtons = <table> { } SetPortraitTextureRaw = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:84 OnShow = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:149 hasActiveQuests = true buttons = <table> { } AvailableQuestButtonInit = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:102 SetTitleMaxLinesAndHeight = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:49 SetTitleColor = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:32 SetPoint = <function> defined =[C]:-1 backdrop = Frame { } Update = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:208 FriendshipStatusBar = StatusBar { } GreetingPanel = Frame { } SetTitle = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:36 OnEvent = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:81 SetTitleOffsets = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:54 Inset = GossipFrameInset { } CloseButton = GossipFrameCloseButton { } TopTileStreaks = Texture { } SetGossipTitle = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:261 SetBorder = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:67 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate" TitleContainer = Frame { } PortraitContainer = Frame { } SetFrameLevelsFromBaseLevel = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:120 SetPortraitToBag = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:80 SetPortraitAtlasRaw = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:88 SetPortraitToUnit = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:76 Background = Texture { } Bg = GossipFrameBg { } SetTitleFormatted = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:40 GetPortrait = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:63 UpdateScrollBox = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:109 NineSlice = Frame { } OnLoad = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:56 OnHide = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:156 SetPortraitToAsset = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:72 SetPortraitTextureSizeAndOffset = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:106 HandleShow = <function> defined =[C]:-1 SortOrder = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:97 SelectGossipOption = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:191 HandleHide = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:186 GetTutorialButtons = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:93 SetGossipTutorialMode = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:87 GetBackgroundTexture = <function> defined @FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:70 SetPortraitToClassIcon = <function> defined @SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:92 } (*temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SelectOptionByIndex' (a nil value)"
APR 2.1.2
No response
It looks like a change in the API in 10.0.7 is leading to a lua error on autoselects when player is presented with a gossip frame.
| 10.0.5 (47825) → 10.0.7 (47983) Feb 5 2023 | ADDED | ... | C_GossipInfo.SelectOptionByIndex
If I don't let it autoaccept by holding Control and manually selecting the gossip option, it does not produce a LUA error.
APR Version
APR 2.2.0
APR Route
World of Warcraft Flavor
Retail (Default)
Tested with only APR
Lua Error
Reproduction Steps
Last Good Version
APR 2.1.2
Any additional information?
No response