Azgaar / Fantasy-Map-Generator

Web application generating interactive and highly customizable maps
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longitude and latitude on csv file #1074

Closed Laestly closed 2 months ago

Laestly commented 3 months ago

I think there is a problem with the data indicating the longitude and latitude of points on a route. If I draw a route, each point will have longitude and latitude which I can see with the cell details tool.

If I select the drawn route and click on "show elevation profile", and finally click on "download the chart data as csv file", I download a file. Inside the .csv the latitude and longitude of each point of the route are completely different from those shown with the cell details tool.

I hope the report is useful bye

Azgaar commented 3 months ago

Hello @Laestly. Not sure why, but X and Y were showing coordinates of the point on elevation graph, not on map. I have changed it to show map coordinates as well as lat and lon for other possible use cases.

Laestly commented 3 months ago

Hello. Unfortunately, not everything is solved.

I noticed another strange thing: some points of the route report duplicate data from other points in the csv file, and not their own. I'm not sure, but it seems to me that this occurs when the point is located on a burg. what I'm trying to do is calculate the distance to each point of a route from each other and then the total distance, and unfortunately it's always different from what is displayed on the map with the route tool. I hope it's because of the aforementioned problem and there aren't others.

Azgaar commented 3 months ago

If you need a length, the csv should already have it. But I can fix the points as well

Laestly commented 3 months ago

I don't see the total distance in the csv. It would be nice to be able to have the distance of each point from the following one. In fact, this would allow me to calculate the travel speed based on the distance (precisely) the type of terrain and altitude (this data is already visible in the csv). Thanks for your work, much appreciated.

Laestly commented 3 months ago

Exuse me Azgaar, I would like to better clarify what I am asking and what I intend to use it for, because it could be useful not only for me but for everyone who uses this fantastic work of yours. I have been searching among the various tools available on the map for one that allow me to measure a trip. I use the "Map Generator" as a platform for my role-playing game: when a character in the game needs to move from one burg to another, they can only do it using the existing roads on the map, and therefore the time it takes for the move depends on the mount they have, the distance to travel, and whether the road is uphill or downhill. To calculate travel time so far, I am using the "add route" tool, creating a new "route" overlapping the existing ones (trips are often shorter than the entire route on the map), and then I download the .csv with the information I need for the calculation. For this reason, the distance and altitude information of each individual point of the created route is fundamental for calculating speed travel.

In fact, the ideal tool for this operation already exists: the "route episometer," which is in the "Units editor" panel, and it is fantastic and super fast, but it does not display the necessary information (altitude variation) that I can see in the .csv file of a route. Having the average altitude variation of a route measured with the "route episometer" would solve this problem.

Would it be possible to display the average altitude variation in addition to the distance (already shown) with the route episometer?

Azgaar commented 3 months ago

@Laestly, I got your idea. Actually I have the same and want to integrate a Trip Builder into the tool, but cannot time time to work on it. For this issue I probably won't add more details now as I'm in the middle of the whole Routes rework. Once done, it will be easier to get routes data and generally work with routes.

DeuzeksMcKinna commented 3 months ago

I don't see the total distance in the csv. It would be nice to be able to have the distance of each point from the following one. In fact, this would allow me to calculate the travel speed based on the distance (precisely) the type of terrain and altitude (this data is already visible in the csv). Thanks for your work, much appreciated.

If you parse the CSV info through Excel at any point, you could add 2 formulated columns to get both this and the Elevation Delta.

First would be a column for the distance travelled from point to point which (if the CSV was opened directly and starting on A1) would look like: =ABS(B3-B2)+ABS(C3-C2) This one is to be placed on V3 And with the same assumption of positioning, to get the Elevation Delta between Route Points, on W3 you can add the formula =ABS(G3-G2)

Note: A minimal step of data preparation may be needed, the values on column G (Height) come included with the unit and formatted as text. Simply run a Ctrl+H Replace on column G and remove " m", " ft" or whatever unit you're using with a blank and it will revert to be a number.

Laestly commented 3 months ago

thank you all I will wait for the development of the trip builder tool

Azgaar commented 2 months ago

Trip Builder is planned, but NOT for the nearest future. Closing this ticket as we track planned feature on Trello