Azgaar / Fantasy-Map-Generator

Web application generating interactive and highly customizable maps
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Questions, suggestions and ideas #88

Closed Dehroadm closed 5 years ago

Dehroadm commented 6 years ago

Hello! I'm a new "user" of your excellent map generator. I cannot stress how interesting, workable and detailed I find it to be. It was a real surprise to find something like this online at no cost at all. You are awesome.

That said, I'm only semi-literate computer-wise, and I've only just begun to delve into the intricacies of what's possible and what is not. This leads me to a few observations/suggestions which may have found an answer someplace else already. If this is the case, I apologise. Anyhow, here I go: 1) Capitol cities: They seem to be always generated as coastal cities. Whenever a country has a coast, the capitol city will invariably be a coastal settlement. This is kinda funny when said coast is but a very small corner of an otherwise large country. I know capitol cities are easy enough to re-assign, but it would make sense maybe to "randomise" the label of Capitol city so that upon generation it may also be away from the coast. 1.a) I have yet to see a "non edited" map that has, upon creation, a landlocked country. Creating a landlocked country is doable, if one learns the ins and out of your map editor. I'm getting there, but it's not as intuitive as the "click for a new map" button until it also generates a landlocked country. I would, if possible, add the feature to "ensure that x out of y or a certain percentage of the countries that are generated are landlocked" 2) if I understand it correctly, it's possible to "edit" the existing templates but not to add new ones? or am I wrong? I'm not sure how to proceed either way (I'm thinking I'd like to create a template which distributes elevations in order to generate mountain ranges, rather than a central "vulcanic" elevation. Some guidance or instruction would be appreciated. I'm struggling to find it. 3) consulting the maps in .map format offline: .map seems to be the most complete format that allows to zoom in and out without losing definition or tags readability. I am having some serious troubles finding a software that reads the .map files that I create on here though. I tried getting 2 different offline map readers but the file was, for some reason, incompatible. can you suggest a specific offline .map reader that works and is noob-friendly? 4) Fog of war: I would greatly appreciate the possibility to hide large portions of the maps before printing (or from view if I'm showing it to them directly on the screen). I want my players to start small and explore the world organically and I would provide them with larger and larger scale maps as their explorations went on. having a "world map" is great, but having to show it to them, or even the borders of their county/region/country ahead of time lessens the experience. Say my map contains 5 countries spread over 2 different continents.. I would like for them to not know that the continent other than the one they live on even exists until it's time to reveal it's existence in game. Is there a way for me to select a country (or a couple of countries) and have only that appear on-screen/in the map? 5)Generating a new map, most burgs seem to have roughly the same number of inhabitants, somewhere inbetween 1500 and 2100 people. The sole exception being capitol cities who seem to have more of them and also be represented by a larger icon. I would appreciate a bit more variation in those numbers, with cities in the several tens of thousands, and villages of but a few hundred people. Is there a way to randomize that automatically rather than having to intervene on every single burg? 5.a) Is it possible to lock the size of the icon representing a burg in relation to the number of inhabitants rather than having to do both manually? I know I can resize a specific burg's number of in habitants and the size of the icon representing it. it would be a great thing if those two were linked and therefore it was one manual operation instead of two. 5.b) Ideally, if 5.a is possible, it would also be awesome if the icon changed (not only in size but also in shape) according to the number of inhabitants.. so a village with 800 people has a small white marker, a small town with 10k inhabitants has the same marker with a black dot in it, a bigger city has maybe a castle, a capitol has a castle with a flag.. etc etc.. (this is the lazy side of me speaking) 6) finally, is there a place where users of your fine software are sharing their tips, saved templates and maps? a forum perhaps? if such a place exists, please could you provide a link to it? If not, maybe it would be a good idea to create one. I think people would like to share their maps to show what they've created, and having a kind comunity answer basic questions noobs such as myself could have would save you some time and effort. Having a bunch of shared maps could serve as a means to illustrate just what is possible to create with the generator, could be used as a source of inspiration for other map creators or just as a quick starting point for someone looking to run one-off games off of a map they don't want to spend too much time on. It would of course be understood that any map posted there should be free to import in one's computer and to adapt or modify privately, according to one's needs. Open source, as it were.

I realise I've written a lot, so thank you again and keep up the good work.

Ciao, A.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi @Dehroadm,

Thanks for the feedback!

  1. Generator can only create islands, so it's pretty natural that most of the capitals are coastal settlements. You can see that most capitals are located on river estuaries, because they are considered as the best points. In the future, when I add a biomes system, capitals will be placed mostly based on climate (biom), at least not only on geographical location.

1a. Sometimes landlocked countries are getting generated, try to set countries number to ~50 to see. Countries are generated based on capital's location So fixing issue 1 will also fix it. I'm considering the idea of reducing the bonus points for estuaries and ocean coast, it can make countries distribution more plausible.

  1. You can edit template and save it to your PC for further use. It the same as creating a new one. You can also send a template to me and if it's good, I will add it to the default templates list. Template editor is pretty flexible, there are quite a lot of things it can but it require a clear understanding on how the generation works. There is a wiki-page, but Template editor-related section is blank... I'm not good in creating manuals, the only good tutorial we have at all ("Quick Start Tutorial") is created by users.

  2. ".map" is an internal file format. You can load it via the Generator only. Actually it's a text file containing a map data, not only pixel data like .png, but also cells data, countries list and so on. It's like a save file in computer games. It can be edited as a text in any text editor, but it's not recommended.

  3. Sure. You can zoom in to leave only required part on the screen. Then you can just save a .png image and edit in any image editor to hide non-required parts. It's really easy to achieve and I don't thing I should add this possibility into a generator itself.

  4. All burgs are considered to be cities and towns. Most are so small due to a nature of medieval burgs, that were even smaller than my average town with ~10k people (1500 and 2100 people looks like not an average numbers). You can enlarge a general urban population in Scales editor. As for population variability, I agree it should be enhanced. In the future population will also depend on biome, so they will be one more factor and variability will be higher.

5a. No, it's not possible. But it's an interesting idea, I will consider adding this option.

5b. This option is planned, but far from readiness.

5 (or 6). Good idea, but I'm not sure we have enough users for active discussions. I can create a Reddit community, but afraid it will be stillborn.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

Regards, Azgaar

Dehroadm commented 6 years ago

thousand thanks for your swift reply! (Seriously, wasn't expecting it, so thanks)

1) I shall experiment. 2) I'll try and figure out how to use the template editor properly. if anyone of the veteran users feels like pitching in with a suggestion or guide, I'm all ears (hint hint, nudge nudge)

4) I feel extremely dumb for trying to saddle you with that thing rather than using exactly the solution you suggest, which I also had thought of.

6) I guess I shall have to spread the word (well.. a link to your generator ) then.. because this deserves a dedicated comunity of followers/users... unless of course you're more confortable with a small comunity as long as you're working on it and developing it further. FYI, looking for "world map generator", your site popped up on the first page on my google search, so you're sitting pretty, AFAIK.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago


2). There is a dedicated blog post, see

4). Much appreciate, I feel I need a bit more users. I know about Google search, it's due to me using a site (Mike Bostock's site) as an initial platform. Site has good search engines reputation, but I had to switch to a custom GitHub page as is created for a small explorables and examples.

ZeEliasF commented 6 years ago

I love the idea of having a place to share maps. A reddit community seems to be a good place for it, please create one.

Dehroadm commented 6 years ago

Alternatively, it could just be a thread here..if it's possible to pin them and you're open to host that.

Michael-Ziluck commented 6 years ago

In relation to his last point, I can confirm I would definitely be active on any subreddit you make, and will certainly link it to my fellow DMs. This is an amazing tool and it'd be great if there was somewhere people could share really cool maps, and things like that.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi @Dehroadm, @ZeEliasF, @ZiluckMichael,

Here we go!

Feel free to comment, post and share.

Dehroadm commented 6 years ago

Great! ... I'll start contributing once I've actually produced something worthwile.. (also, I guess I need to get on this reddit thing? :P )

johnezell commented 6 years ago


I would love to have the ability to create an external link that would open up to a new window/tab from a burg. In addition be able to pass a burg or cell ID into the URL to have the generator zoom and center on that burg/cell. I am working on a city generator based on population and to be able to pass in variables like this I can easily link the mapping to the burgs wiki information and then back to the map etc.

Thank you in advance and kudos on the great job so far.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi @johnezell,

Good idea! Could you please share some details / examples?

Regards, Azgaar

Azgaar commented 6 years ago
  1. Capitol cities: They seem to be always generated as coastal cities.

I've made some changes in capitals placement algorithm. Now capital generation far from the ocean is more possible. This changed will be deployed as a part of the big v. 0.58 update.

johnezell commented 6 years ago

Hi @Azgaar,

What I was thinking that if we have some way to pass in a variable such as This would allow us to open up the map directly to a zoomed in area of the world (2.5X zoom in the example). This would be used in some 3rd party program that could contain the details of that city.

In order to link to the 3rd party application if we could create a way to link from a burg or other element. For example This would then link to that other party and have the ability to have a reference ID to pull the information up.

The tool I am personally writing will be able to take the ID and if existing pull up the generated city, NPCs, and any saved notes on it. If not it will generate the city and NPCs based on the population and possibly some other passed variables like a list of tags.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi @johnezell,

As I said, it could be done (at least in a map -> city generator direction), but I assume an application should be built as a first step.

Regards, Azgaar

RevengeX96 commented 6 years ago

Hi @Azgaar I'm a new user from your map generator, i was looking for a good generator for fantasy maps and stuff, and i found yours...its really really cool and has a lot of features, but i'm having a big issue. I'm trying to build a big detailed world, lets say, a 3000x3000 or just a normal but high density map. But when i try to do so, the map gets almost impossible to navigate due to costant freezing, less then 1 fps. Is it just me? Is there anyway to improve this without sacrificing features? Are optimization going to be made? I feel like chrome is the problem...

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi @RevengeX96,

3000 x 3000 is a very big size for the generator. Generator produces map in svg, it means you may zoom into the map without quality loss. So you do not need to set so big resolution to get a detailed map. Please try to open the generator in a separate small browser window, 960 x 540 will be enough for a first try and give at least 5 fps on map dragging. Then just zoom in the map in and work on it. When work is done you get a svg that can be scaled to any size. Even png file supports x10 resolution, so you'll get a 9600 x 5400 raster image.

Please also ensure "Map cells density" option value is 1. High density allows to create more detailed maps, but is bad for a performance. One more advise is navigating using keyboard: arrows to drag, plus/minus to zoom.

General tips are the same as for any other web tool like this. Close non-used tabs and windows, update Chrome to the latest version (Chrome has the best performance for the Generator) etc.

RevengeX96 commented 6 years ago

@Azgaar oh i know, but what i mean is that i want a really big map, with a lot of countries, isles, continents, etc...i personally dont need an high quality map, visually, just detailed, and with detailed i mean having tiny POI everywhere, lakes, rivers, cities, an enormous world. Maybe i'm getting my ambitions too high..i'll try to scale them down a little xD. I'll try to optimize the making like you suggested, maybe dividing the various locations in different maps, since i can save them on my pc...thx for you answer, and keep up the good work.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

You can always generate a couple of separate maps and then unite them into a single world manually,

RevengeX96 commented 6 years ago

yhea you're right...didnt really thought it that stupid of me, thanks again for the tip

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi @RevengeX96,

I've did some tests and it looks we can get about 20 fps by setting a small working window. Currently it works incorrect, but in the next update you will be able to set a small working window have big map. You'll just need to drag the map to edit specific areas. It's like opening an image with 4k resolution on a 800x600 monitor or mobile phone. Not a real problem but with small viewbox browser will not render all the map and we will gain a performance boost.

RevengeX96 commented 6 years ago

good to know, thx

Dehroadm commented 6 years ago

Hello again.. I had another thought... would it be possible to add another variable control? specifically, the number of landmasses created. basically, other than a small number of really small islands, it would be nice to have control on how many larger continents or countries the generator can put out. For instance, one could chose the template "continents" and select any number between 1 and, say 10, larger landmasses to appear... upon which the different countries would still be generated randomly.

Azgaar commented 6 years ago

Hi. Thanks for the suggestion. In the current implementation it's not possible. You can try to make something like this in template editor and share it with me

Azgaar commented 5 years ago

Closing the issue as new version is published and this suggestions tread is a way too big. Please join our for a discussions / features request.