Closed githinho closed 7 years ago
After running a command, device isn't running. /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/emulator/emulator -port 5556 -avd TestAvdList because of the error: Segmentation fault: 11
Did anyone had a similar issue?
When plugin is scanning your PC for visible devices - try open terminal and type adb devices
is response empty too at that time?
Second error is weird. I haven't seen it. Try upgrading your SDK to something similar to this:
Beware Android Emulator ver higher than 26.03 and Android SDK Platform-Tools higher than 25.0.6 - it's bugged atm.
Thank you for the response. The list is also empty when I try adb code
so the problem is not in the plugin.
I'm having the same problem about the empty list of attached devices. Do you know how to handle it?
I have a problem with plugin, list of attached devices are always empty but it seems that the device is created.
` [16:59:03]: [33mRe-creating new AVD.[0m
[16:59:03]: [4m[36m$ echo "no" | /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/tools/bin/avdmanager create avd --name "TestAvdList" --package "system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86" --tag google_apis --abi x86 [0m[0m
[16:59:44]: ▸ [35mDo you wish to create a custom hardware profile? [no][0m
[16:59:44]: [33mRestarting adb[0m
[16:59:44]: [4m[36m$ /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/platform-tools/adb kill-server[0m[0m
[16:59:44]: ▸ [35m server not running [0m
[16:59:44]: [4m[36m$ /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/platform-tools/adb start-server[0m[0m
[16:59:48]: ▸ [35m daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 [0m
[16:59:48]: ▸ [35m daemon started successfully [0m
[16:59:48]: [33mAttemting to apply custom config to TestAvdList[0m
[16:59:48]: [33mNo config file found for AVD 'TestAvdList'. AVD won't have config.ini applied.[0m
[16:59:48]: [33mLaunching all AVDs at the same time.[0m
[16:59:48]: [33mWaiting for AVDs to finish booting.[0m
[16:59:48]: [33mPerformig wait for ADB boot[0m
[16:59:48]: [4m[36m$ /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/emulator/emulator -port 5556 -avd TestAvdList &>/var/folders/n3/kxvcvj0d7d52dds2jtm_mxs4000086/T/emulator_output20170612-2178-18zme14&[0m[0m
[16:59:58]: [4m[36m$ /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/platform-tools/adb devices[0m[0m
[16:59:58]: ▸ [35mList of devices attached[0m
[17:00:08]: [4m[36m$ /usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/25.2.3/platform-tools/adb devices[0m[0m
[17:00:08]: ▸ [35mList of devices attached[0m `