AzimoLabs / fastlane-plugin-automated-test-emulator-run

Plugin dedicated for Android platform. Wraps gradle task/shell command used for launching instrumented tests. Provides start of as many AVDs with various configs as needed before test run, waits for boot, kills emulators and deletes them from hdd after tests are finished or disturbed.
MIT License
113 stars 48 forks source link

How to install apk? #31

Open tommyalatalo opened 5 years ago

tommyalatalo commented 5 years ago

This is not really an issue, but since the documentation doesn't state this clearly and I can't find another forum for this plugin I will ask here.

What is the recommended way of installing an apk for instrumentation tests using this plugin? Should you call another lane using the shell_task, and execute adb commands there to push, install etc?

I'm in a situation where I'm running CI on gitlab and the emulator doesn't recognize the local build folder where the apk is, and starts rebuilding it inside the container when running the instrumentation test via "gradle_task".