Azoft / CarouselLayoutManager

Android Carousel LayoutManager for RecyclerView
Apache License 2.0
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Spacing between 1st right & 1st left item in Carousel #34

Open saisasanksunkavalli opened 7 years ago

saisasanksunkavalli commented 7 years ago

Im using layoutManager.setPostLayoutListener(new CarouselZoomPostLayoutListener());

But it is giving me a spacing like this between the center item & 1st right, 1st left like this image

How to reduce the gap ?

Regards, Sasank

mig35 commented 7 years ago

Hi @saisasanksunkavalli. This gap is done by CarouselZoomPostLayoutListener. You can check its algorithm. Zoom is controlled by "scale" parameter. Spacing is controlled by translate parameters.

I suggest you to write custom ZoomPostLayoutListener. And change scale parameter not so fast. This will resolve your issue.

Kisty commented 7 years ago

A nice API wouldn't go amiss though. Perhaps a setter which takes a value and applies that to the scale given?

mig35 commented 7 years ago

Yep, @Kisty. I was thinking about it, but haven't started this yet :)

Kisty commented 7 years ago

Perhaps it might be worth offering a few effects, such as on using a slow drop off, like

f(x) = x^2

And perhaps using cos(x) for medium dropoff.

RomiValladares commented 7 years ago

Hi! I'm having the same problem. In my implementation of the PostLayoutListener, I'm returning values like:

itemPositionToCenterDiff=3.0 scale=0.7 itemPositionToCenterDiff=2.0 scale=0.8 itemPositionToCenterDiff=1.0 scale=0.9 itemPositionToCenterDiff=0.0 scale=1.0

I thought this would make the difference between views the same, but I'm getting the same result as OP (with a vertical orientation).

    public ItemTransformation transformChild(@NonNull final View child, final float itemPositionToCenterDiff, final int orientation) {
        //final float scale = (float) (2 * (2 * -StrictMath.atan(Math.abs(itemPositionToCenterDiff) + 0.5) / Math.PI + 1));
        float auxPos = Math.abs(itemPositionToCenterDiff);
        final float scale = auxPos > 0 ? 1 - (auxPos / 10) : 1;

//other stuff

        return new ItemTransformation(scale, scale, translateX, translateY);

Am I missing something?

avalenzuelac commented 6 years ago

same problem :(

NirmalyaSin commented 4 years ago

Can someone tell how to increase the height of the views which are immediate left and right of the center element ?

mig35 commented 4 years ago

@NirmalyaSin you can play around with custom realization of this class

NirmalyaSin commented 4 years ago

Yes I am doing so but the gap between the views are changing, height of the immediate left and right views are not getting changed. Can you please tell which variables can be altered to get the result ?

mig35 commented 4 years ago

As I remember you should change scale @NirmalyaSin

NirmalyaSin commented 4 years ago

final float scale = (float) (2 (2 -StrictMath.atan(Math.abs(itemPositionToCenterDiff) + 1.0) / Math.PI + 1));

@mig35 can you explain how you are setting the scale here ?

mig35 commented 4 years ago

this is a kind of magic to convert item position (from 0 to maxVisibleItems) to scale factor that is needed to be for this item.

you can play around with this function @NirmalyaSin

NirmalyaSin commented 4 years ago

@mig35 Yes but I need to change the height of the visible items apart from the center one. But the height is not getting changed. Can you tell me how to increase or decrease the height ?

mig35 commented 4 years ago

@NirmalyaSin as I can see if you pass scaleY then the view will be scaled and its visible height will be changed. The code can be found here:

You can debug the library and if you find any issue you are welcome to write a PR.

NirmalyaSin commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot @mig35 I was able to attain the desired view.