AztecGameLab / LongTermGame8

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Breakable Objects #14

Closed poetahto closed 6 months ago

poetahto commented 7 months ago


[not on github] cmiller9851 - Artist [not on github] Gerome - Programmer


In the prototype, an important item is locked behind a large obstacle (like a fallen tree, wooden door, pile of debris, ect.). You can destroy the large obstacle if you hit it with enough force. In this case, you knock a large boulder off a cliff which rolls down and crashes through the obstacle.

The obstacles should not just disappear when broken, but appear to "fall apart". The way I've done this in the past involved two different models being prepared: an "unbroken" version of the model, and a "broken" version of the model (where each component part has a rigidbody + collider attached). When a strong force is detected in the unbroken model, you disable it and enable the broken version, which then naturally falls apart due to gravity (and the huge boulder rolling through).

Don't worry about clearing the debris right now, we can worry about that later (and we'll make it so sigmund doesnt actually collide with debris, removing the potential for softlocking).



Gatis1 commented 6 months ago

I have the function for a boulder hitting an object and making it "break apart" ready. Do I need to post it somewhere or should I wait for the next club meeting for what else needs to be done?