AztecProtocol / ab2

Alpha Build 2 project repository.
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zkemail project from #28

Open alan-tabled opened 3 weeks ago

0xrafi commented 3 weeks ago

could you please add a relevant description to the PR? also ensure all code is inside of your named project directory and move the .gitignore file into your project folder

tabledK commented 2 weeks ago

@0xrafi . gitignore is removed.

tabledK commented 2 weeks ago

@0xrafi Here is the description to the PR (I cannot update it since it's made by Alan)

We'd like to use ZKEmail to verify the email address, generate proof, and verify proof on our app.

The plan is to use ZKEmail to verify a user's work experience in their profile. When the user inputs his/her email, the service requests an email response which then verifies the employment domain using the dkim. Future updates will utilise Aztec to generate proofs of the dkim verification to enable an email search at to provide a privacy preserving employment and email verification. Note the only DKIM verification part is implemented.