Closed hyances closed 4 years ago
Try using the lastest version of the package, for the first version only one source was considered 'Serendipia' and this was the default version. For the latest version the default source is Dirección General de Epidemiología and those arguments should work.
pip uninstall covidmx
pip install covidmx
Thanks I'll include unicode
OK, the point is that Google Colab use Python 3.6.9, so an old version is installed instead of last one (0.2.1). Is not possible to upgrade Colab (and I prefer to mantain OS version in my local enviroment), so ¿is strictly neccessary use 3.7? Maybe using a lower version makes it more easy & widely adopted.
Package 'covidmx' requires a different Python: 3.6.9 not in '>=3.7'`
Thank you for your feedback! I've released a new version of the package (0.2.3) that works with python3.5+. Please let me know if you have any issues with this version. Thanks!
when I run
catalogo_data =CovidMX(return_catalogo=True).get_data()
get:`Traceback (most recent call last)