AzuraCast / AzuraCast

A self-hosted web radio management suite, including turnkey installer tools for the full radio software stack and a modern, easy-to-use web app to manage your stations.
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Error procesing media & 5 minute sync #4100

Closed fidegr closed 3 years ago

fidegr commented 3 years ago

AzuraCast • v0.12.4 Stable • Docker • PHP 8.0

We have an error when processing the media. For several days the media have not been synchronized and new audios of podcasts and music are not recognized. When executing the synchronization task, it shows us the following log

`[2021-04-30T15:43:36.840820+00:00] AzuraCast.NOTICE: Running sync task: 5-Minute Sync {"force":true} [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.842266+00:00] AzuraCast.DEBUG: Successfully acquired the "{resource}" lock. {"resource":{"Symfony\Component\Lock\Key":"lock_sync_medium"}} [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.842657+00:00] AzuraCast.DEBUG: Expiration defined for "{resource}" lock for "{ttl}" seconds. {"resource":{"Symfony\Component\Lock\Key":"lock_sync_medium"},"ttl":600.0} [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.843133+00:00] AzuraCast.DEBUG: Expiration defined for "{resource}" lock for "{ttl}" seconds. {"resource":{"Symfony\Component\Lock\Key":"lock_sync_medium"},"ttl":600.0} [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.843382+00:00] AzuraCast.DEBUG: Starting sub-task: CheckMediaTask [] [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.844748+00:00] AzuraCast.INFO: Processing media for storage location Local: /var/azuracast/stations/Agora_sol_radio/media... [] [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.985308+00:00] AzuraCast.ERROR: App\Entity\StationMedia::needsReprocessing(): Argument #2 ($dbModifiedTime) must be of type int, null given, called in /var/azuracast/www/src/Sync/Task/CheckMediaTask.php on line 195 {"file":"/var/azuracast/www/vendor/symfony/messenger/Middleware/HandleMessageMiddleware.php","line":80,"code":0} [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.989615+00:00] AzuraCast.INFO: Received message {class} {"message":{"App\Message\UpdateNowPlayingMessage":{"station_id":9}},"class":"App\Message\UpdateNowPlayingMessage"} [] [2021-04-30T15:43:36.995051+00:00] AzuraCast.DEBUG: Successfully acquired the "{resource}" lock. {"resource":{"Symfony\Component\Lock\Key":"lock_nowplaying_station_9"}} []

Vaalyn commented 3 years ago

This bug was fixed in the rolling-release version ~6h ago. See

You'll need to update to the rolling-release version until we release a new stable release that includes this fix.