AzuraCast / AzuraCast

A self-hosted web radio management suite, including turnkey installer tools for the full radio software stack and a modern, easy-to-use web app to manage your stations.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error Restoring Backup in New Server #4572

Closed pwrj closed 2 years ago

pwrj commented 2 years ago

Installation Method

Docker Installation

AzuraCast Release Channel

Stable Channel

Current AzuraCast Version


What happened?

Error during restore from backup. Help please... Backup with media (23 GB)

Relevant log output

In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 79:

  An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0.app_unique_identifier AS app_unique_identifier_1, t0.base_url AS base_url_2, t0.instance_name AS instance_name_3, t0.prefer_browser_ur
  l AS prefer_browser_url_4, t0.use_radio_proxy AS use_radio_proxy_5, t0.history_keep_days AS history_keep_days_6, t0.always_use_ssl AS always_use_ssl_7, t0.api_access_control AS api_ac
  cess_control_8, t0.enable_websockets AS enable_websockets_9, AS analytics_10, t0.check_for_updates AS check_for_updates_11, t0.update_results AS update_results_12, t0.upd
  ate_last_run AS update_last_run_13, t0.public_theme AS public_theme_14, t0.hide_album_art AS hide_album_art_15, t0.homepage_redirect_url AS homepage_redirect_url_16, t0.default_album_
  art_url AS default_album_art_url_17, t0.use_external_album_art_when_processing_media AS use_external_album_art_when_processing_media_18, t0.use_external_album_art_in_apis AS use_exter
  nal_album_art_in_apis_19, t0.last_fm_api_key AS last_fm_api_key_20, t0.hide_product_name AS hide_product_name_21, t0.public_custom_css AS public_custom_css_22, t0.public_custom_js AS
  public_custom_js_23, t0.internal_custom_css AS internal_custom_css_24, t0.backup_enabled AS backup_enabled_25, t0.backup_time_code AS backup_time_code_26, t0.backup_exclude_media AS b
  ackup_exclude_media_27, t0.backup_keep_copies AS backup_keep_copies_28, t0.backup_storage_location AS backup_storage_location_29, t0.backup_last_run AS backup_last_run_30, t0.backup_l
  ast_result AS backup_last_result_31, t0.backup_last_output AS backup_last_output_32, t0.setup_complete_time AS setup_complete_time_33, t0.nowplaying AS nowplaying_34, t0.sync_nowplayi
  ng_last_run AS sync_nowplaying_last_run_35, t0.sync_short_last_run AS sync_short_last_run_36, t0.sync_medium_last_run AS sync_medium_last_run_37, t0.sync_long_last_run AS sync_long_la
  st_run_38, t0.external_ip AS external_ip_39, t0.geolite_license_key AS geolite_license_key_40, t0.geolite_last_run AS geolite_last_run_41, t0.enable_advanced_features AS enable_advanc
  ed_features_42, t0.mail_enabled AS mail_enabled_43, t0.mail_sender_name AS mail_sender_name_44, t0.mail_sender_email AS mail_sender_email_45, t0.mail_smtp_host AS mail_smtp_host_46, t
  0.mail_smtp_port AS mail_smtp_port_47, t0.mail_smtp_username AS mail_smtp_username_48, t0.mail_smtp_password AS mail_smtp_password_49, t0.mail_smtp_secure AS mail_smtp_secure_50, t0.a
  vatar_service AS avatar_service_51, t0.avatar_default_url AS avatar_default_url_52 FROM settings t0 LIMIT 1':

  SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.backup_last_result' in 'field list'

In Exception.php line 18:

  SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.backup_last_result' in 'field list'

In PDOConnection.php line 132:

  SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.backup_last_result' in 'field list'
ItsMitchh commented 2 years ago

This kind of issue indicates the installation process didn't fully work, can you re-run a update to see if this resolves it?

pwrj commented 2 years ago

@SC2Mitch I ran update. Same...

In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 79:

An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0.app_unique_identifier AS app_unique_identifier_1, t0.base_url AS base_url_2, t0.instance_name AS instance_name_3, t0.prefer_browser_ur l AS prefer_browser_url_4, t0.use_radio_proxy AS use_radio_proxy_5, t0.history_keep_days AS history_keep_days_6, t0.always_use_ssl AS always_use_ssl_7, t0.api_access_control AS api_ac cess_control_8, t0.enable_websockets AS enable_websockets_9, AS analytics_10, t0.check_for_updates AS check_for_updates_11, t0.update_results AS update_results_12, t0.upd ate_last_run AS update_last_run_13, t0.public_theme AS public_theme_14, t0.hide_album_art AS hide_album_art_15, t0.homepage_redirect_url AS homepage_redirect_url_16, t0.defaultalbum art_url AS default_album_art_url_17, t0.use_external_album_art_when_processing_media AS use_external_album_art_when_processing_media_18, t0.use_external_album_art_in_apis AS use_exter nal_album_art_in_apis_19, t0.last_fm_api_key AS last_fm_api_key_20, t0.hide_product_name AS hide_product_name_21, t0.public_custom_css AS public_custom_css_22, t0.public_custom_js AS public_custom_js_23, t0.internal_custom_css AS internal_custom_css_24, t0.backup_enabled AS backup_enabled_25, t0.backup_time_code AS backup_time_code_26, t0.backup_exclude_media AS b ackup_exclude_media_27, t0.backup_keep_copies AS backup_keep_copies_28, t0.backup_storage_location AS backup_storage_location_29, t0.backup_last_run AS backup_last_run_30, t0.backup_l ast_result AS backup_last_result_31, t0.backup_last_output AS backup_last_output_32, t0.setup_complete_time AS setup_complete_time_33, t0.nowplaying AS nowplaying_34, t0.sync_nowplayi ng_last_run AS sync_nowplaying_last_run_35, t0.sync_short_last_run AS sync_short_last_run_36, t0.sync_medium_last_run AS sync_medium_last_run_37, t0.sync_long_last_run AS sync_long_la st_run_38, t0.external_ip AS external_ip_39, t0.geolite_license_key AS geolite_license_key_40, t0.geolite_last_run AS geolite_last_run_41, t0.enable_advanced_features AS enable_advanc ed_features_42, t0.mail_enabled AS mail_enabled_43, t0.mail_sender_name AS mail_sender_name_44, t0.mail_sender_email AS mail_sender_email_45, t0.mail_smtp_host AS mail_smtp_host_46, t 0.mail_smtp_port AS mail_smtp_port_47, t0.mail_smtp_username AS mail_smtp_username_48, t0.mail_smtp_password AS mail_smtp_password_49, t0.mail_smtp_secure AS mail_smtp_secure_50, t0.a vatar_service AS avatar_service_51, t0.avatar_default_url AS avatar_default_url_52 FROM settings t0 LIMIT 1':

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.backup_last_result' in 'field list'

In Exception.php line 18:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.backup_last_result' in 'field list'

In PDOConnection.php line 132:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.backup_last_result' in 'field list'

azuracast:setup [--update] [--load-fixtures] [--release]

Vaalyn commented 2 years ago

Are you using the steps outlined here in our docs?

Is the backup file from the same version of AzuraCast that you are trying to restore it to? Missing DB columns/tables can happen if the version of the backup is different from the one on the server you want to restore it to. I've seen a few cases where this happened so I modified our restore instructions some time back.

pwrj commented 2 years ago

@Vaalyn You might be right. Let me try again.

pwrj commented 2 years ago

@Vaalyn You were absolutely correct my friend. I made sure the backup is the same version as the new azuracast install and boom! It went without a hitch. Thank you @Vaalyn @SC2Mitch 👍🏾

Vaalyn commented 2 years ago

@Vaalyn You were absolutely correct my friend. I made sure the backup is the same version as the new azuracast install and boom! It went without a hitch. Thank you @Vaalyn @SC2Mitch 👍🏾

Great to hear it worked 👍