Azurblau / Zombies.Zone

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[SUGGESTION] WZS: Cooldown on !human for humans killed by player zombies #155

Open CWorm opened 6 years ago

CWorm commented 6 years ago

As in title, introduce some kind of delay before one can use !human to prevent human players from getting their gear back quickly, dying should be a penalty but with redeems it hardly makes a difference in most cases.

jems01 commented 6 years ago


Similar issue

bob-b-b commented 6 years ago

!human should be single use you die you get 1 chance to try again if you die again its over. Having it be on a cooldown seems like it barely even punishes people as they can keep dying and just wait for the cooldown to end then redeem. Personally, I think !human shouldn't even be a thing the system of getting 4 kills works fine in my opinion.

lamhonn commented 6 years ago

I back it; on top of mentioned problem, because most of players just redeem after they die, amount of zombies doesn't grow, and would be just same thing as not killing any players

v1red commented 6 years ago

!human use only once as it is on server 3