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[SUGGESTION] WZS: Screamers at Wave 2 #172

Open Loickun opened 6 years ago

Loickun commented 6 years ago

Its really annoying when you cant even get out of spawn and if you do, runners kill you with in a few secounds with meat hooks. There is nothing that pushes the humans back untill wave 4. Please change that, would also help against spawn cades and make it more risky for humans to go for runner, besides going on a rampage with melee.

ar-i-es commented 6 years ago

I think that the way it is now is completely fine. Adding screamers at wave 2 would severely damage the gameplay, instead of maybe improving one aspect of fighting against the humans. There is no real balance when it comes to human teams. As an example, you can get a human team consisting of many ''pro players'' who usually stay outside and mele, shoot ect. Or, you can get a team full of new players, who don't know anything about the gamemode itself. Adding screamers to fight against these new players would most definately discourage them from learning how to play, and they may even move to a server that is easier to play.

This also applies to new maps that players want to explore, instead of instantly making a cade. Players should ''be allowed'' to look for good cade spots, and find new techniques on how to improve their cade. Screamers in this example would harass the players, not letting them make a cade, and essentially even ruin the whole map for the human team, which doesn't make for a good experience.

I'm sure everyone is used to the term ''Zmain''. A lot of people think that ''zmainers'' already have a big advantage over the humans, and i highly doubt that this addition would improve anything regarding this issue. Not to mention, the zombies have already recieved a lot of buffs lately.

As a conclusion, and counter-suggestion, screamers should not be added at wave 2. But could be a nice addition to the hard mode server, as there are less new players on it.

Loickun commented 6 years ago

Well then you have the newcomers who die early and cant redeem because of high pupulation and then are stuck on Zombie team and get "abused" by runners with purifiers and trait exploits. (runner exploits where nerfed recently tho) This change could only apply on Mall and Pool for example. And maybe a weaker version of the screamer.

daggerana commented 5 years ago

If you make screamers on wave 2 you're killing the running class entirely, IMO.

It would also make all the maps almost impossible to win if screamers go around killing everyone at wave 2. 1v1 screamers win alot of the time if the human doesn't have a good weapon.

So no, I don't think screamers should be added at wave 2.

Loickun commented 5 years ago

Then instead buff screamers HP on wave 6 maybe like +200HP so they dont die to a solo runner in one shot with boomstick..