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[SUGGESTION] Medic Guns Are Terribly Useless #185

Open daggerana opened 5 years ago

daggerana commented 5 years ago

As I'm sure anyone who has tried to use medic guns in a tight crammed space with alot of people have noticed, they are useless. You will never ever ever hit your intented target and will end up healing somebody with 100% health instead of the guy with 6% health in dire need of healing.

Maybe of some use when in outdoors running about, but it's still really hard to use them, because if you miss a shot you've wasted medic charge.

Also why doesn't all the medic guns use straight up medic charge directly instead of the special side ammo clip stuff? Also means if you try to reload a new clip for healing, but you are empty of the pistol of 5.56 ammo you cannot reload the healing clip...

Also it's REALLY hard to find people who need healing! Especially in crammed spaces with 40 people.

So my suggestions are, make all medic guns use medic charge directly, also make it so that if the medic dart does not directly heal somebody, make it NOT use medic charge. Also a cooldown to prevent spamming? And also make the medic dart penetrate (haha) people who do not need healing, and pass straight through them.

And the part where the medic dart is sticking to the people it has healed is alot more annoying then it is cool.

And make the wounded people always visible somehow, maybe make them transparent red always? Or a circle around their feet which reflect they health by changing color? Something to make them stand out, as the current method is really not all that great. Also make fully healed people not visible at all.

And the healing perks I dunno how to implement them with the medic guns if they aren't already, I have not really noticed any difference between 0% bonus and 300% bonus. Maybe reduce the cooldown between darts? Or increase each darts total healing? From 4 health to 8 health to 12 health or whatever. Maybe the latter to increase point profit, as not to earn the same amout of points by the same amount on wave 1 as in wave 6. Maybe.

And as a last note, make the 5.56 or 7.62 rifle able to zoom in also, somehow. It's annoying to have a scope on the gun but not be able to use it.

My 0.02$.

CWorm commented 5 years ago

Problem is that healing darts also give a speed boost which could be given to people who already have full HP, but I guess that's kind of a minor issue compared to wasting heal darts, could be easily done by making full HP players' color black or not drawn at all, and at the same time darts passing through fully healed players.

Medical charges are scaled for amount that healing darts heal for (because they're a rapid way to heal somebody, they're more for urgent healing (use medkits - they take time but are the most profitable thing out there).

Medic guns already have healing perks and they feel too strong, unless that was removed already.

Thanks for your feedback!