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Tools for deploying Data Factory (v2) in Microsoft Azure
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Incase of triggers renaming, new triggers getting created but original triggers not getting deleted with selective deployment of Azure Data Factory #223

Closed TejoGowthu-Zoetis closed 1 year ago

TejoGowthu-Zoetis commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug We are using selective deployment of objects using include exclude rules in file. Observed that if we rename the existing trigger in JSON file and try to publish to ADF then its creating renamed trigger which is expected but still keeping the original trigger in stopped state instead of deleting it (which is not expected). But if we rename pipelines, its deleting old ones and creating with new name which is expected. Seems like this issue observed with only triggers.

To Reproduce Your script here: ./.github/scripts/deploy.ps1 -SubscriptionName "SubName1" -ResourceGroupName "Test-RG1" -DataFactoryName "Test-DF1" -Location "eastus2" -RootFolder ""/home/runner/work/adf-dev/adf-dev"" -Stage "dev" -DeleteNotInSource:$true -IncludeExcludeFile "./.github/publish-includeexclude-objects.txt"

deploy.ps1 script: param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SubscriptionName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ResourceGroupName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $DataFactoryName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Location, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $RootFolder, [switch] $DeleteNotInSource = $false, [String] $Stage = "dev", [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $IncludeExcludeFilePath )

Install-Module -Name Az.DataFactory -Scope CurrentUser -Force # required by

Install-Module -Name -Scope CurrentUser -Force Import-Module -Name

Run TestAdfCode function to validate JSON

Test-AdfCode -RootFolder "$RootFolder"

Set deploy parameters

$opt = New-AdfPublishOption -FilterFilePath $IncludeExcludeFilePath $opt.DeleteNotInSource = $DeleteNotInSource $opt.StopStartTriggers = $true $opt.DeployGlobalParams = $false $opt.CreateNewInstance = $false

Deploy to Data Factory

Publish-AdfV2FromJson -RootFolder "$RootFolder" -ResourceGroupName "$ResourceGroupName" -DataFactoryName "$DataFactoryName" -Location "$Location" -Stage $Stage -Option $opt

Objects publish-includeexclude-objects.txt file: +pipeline.test_selectivemigration_pipeline1 +trigger.test_selectivemigration_trigger1

Expected behaviour If triggers are renamed then it should create new trigger as per renaming and should delete the one with old name instead of keeping it in stopped state.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version of PowerShell module of: azure/powershell@v1 Importing module > 1.10.0

Provide all files to reproduce the issue

Detailed Deployment Log: STEP: Reading Azure Data Factory from JSON files... IntegrationRuntimes: 1 object(s) loaded. LinkedServices: 10 object(s) loaded. Pipelines: 79 object(s) loaded. DataSets: 27 object(s) loaded. DataFlows: 0 object(s) loaded. Triggers: 14 object(s) loaded. Managed VNet: 0 object(s) loaded. Managed Private Endpoints: 0 object(s) loaded. Factories: 1 object(s) loaded.

Number of objects marked as to be deployed: 1/132

STEP: Stopping triggers... Getting triggers... The number of triggers to stop: 12 (out of 17) Stopping deployed triggers:

STEP: Deployment of all ADF objects... Deployment of Global Parameters will be skipped as publish option 'DeployGlobalParams' = false Start deploying object: [trigger].[test_selectivemigration_trigger3] (1 dependency/ies) Finished deploying object: [trigger].[test_selectivemigration_trigger3]

STEP: Deleting objects not in source ... Azure Data Factory (instance) loaded. DataSets: 27 object(s) loaded. IntegrationRuntimes: 1 object(s) loaded. LinkedServices: 10 object(s) loaded. Pipelines: 79 object(s) loaded. DataFlows: 0 object(s) loaded. Triggers: 18 object(s) loaded.

STEP: Starting all triggers... The number of triggers to start: 12

TejoGowthu-Zoetis commented 1 year ago

Hi @NowinskiK, Can you please let me know if you have any update on this issue.

NowinskiK commented 1 year ago

Not really. This case requires preparation of whole PS script to be able to test it. If you can prepare such script and attach all required files to prove this is really happens and it is repeatable - that can help me to investigate that over reduce amount of time required.

TejoGowthu-Zoetis commented 1 year ago

I have uploaded requested files, please rename them as mentioned below. Rename "deploy powershell script.txt" to "deploy.ps1" Rename "test_selectivemigration_pipeline1 JSON.txt" to "test_selectivemigration_pipeline1.json" Rename "test_selectivemigration_trigger1 JSON.txt" to "test_selectivemigration_trigger1.json"

Command to Run: ./.github/scripts/deploy.ps1 -SubscriptionName "SubName1" -ResourceGroupName "Test-RG1" -DataFactoryName "Test-DF1" -Location "eastus2" -RootFolder ""/home/runner/work/adf-dev/adf-dev"" -Stage "dev" -DeleteNotInSource:$true -IncludeExcludeFile "./.github/publish-includeexclude-objects.txt"

Uploaded below files. publish-includeexclude-objects.txt deploy powershell script.txt test_selectivemigration_pipeline1 JSON.txt test_selectivemigration_trigger1 JSON.txt

TejoGowthu-Zoetis commented 1 year ago

Hi @NowinskiK, As requested I have uploaded the PS script. Could you please let me know if you have any update.

NowinskiK commented 1 year ago

Thanks for attaching the files, including the script. Unfortunately, I can't see how that can help to reproduce the issue. The script contains only one execution of Publish-AdfV2FromJson, do it will create 1 trigger and 1 pipeline; that's it. Of course, after the first run I can rename the trigger and rerun the script again - I just need to be sure that you tested the feature in exactly that way?

TejoGowthu-Zoetis commented 1 year ago

@NowinskiK Yes we tested with only one pipeline and trigger only, if we rename any trigger then ADF not deleting the original trigger and we end up having 2 triggers. Please let me know if you have any more questions.

NowinskiK commented 1 year ago

I prepared appropriate and full test script, it is in the repo now:

Additionally, I recorded quick video to show you, that the scenario you described, works:

NowinskiK commented 1 year ago

Probably I know what scenario you're referring to. Yes, it will omit deleting renamed trigger if it's excluded from the deployment. In such case you must set the option DoNotDeleteExcludedObjects = false, which means it will delete excluded objects.

Doc reference: Step: Deleting objects not in source