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Tools for deploying Data Factory (v2) in Microsoft Azure
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Accept different folder for Global Parameters than "factory" #375

Open MartaUch opened 9 months ago

MartaUch commented 9 months ago

Hi Kamil, I would have a question regarding current solution of global parameters deployment.

Current situation in our platfrom. We deploy only pipelines, datasets and dataflows automatically so far. We would like to use incremental deployment and deploy global parameters. Idea was to keep one json file under factory folder called "deep-ENV-adf-we.json" and later use configuration files that updates values for each enviornment (but we are not deploying to DEV, so dev congifuration file is not so important).

However, we have our dev instance connected to repository. It means that everytime someone create global parameter on dev on the feature branch, file reflecting global parameters is added automatically to "factory" folder. It complicates the implementation for us, because then we have 2 files, and only the first one is taken (currently it would be this one from dev). Dev however is not correctly maintained. We can have there much less global parameters than on INT and PRD where deployment team was creating them manually on demand.

In such a case I would like to separate folder which keeps information about dev and folder which keeps this template json file.

Would that be possible that global parameters could be deployed from different folder than "factory"? Or if not possible, would that be possible to extend solution and allow for more than one json file under factory folder? Maybe you would have another suggestion.

Thank you in advance! Marta

MartaUch commented 9 months ago

I decided just to take dev json file as a template and later update with config files as suppose to :) everything is fine, but I think it would be still great if we could define which exactly json file should be taken for global parameters from factory folder. I know that sometimes even more ADF instances can be connected to one repository and use the same source files - then we have two json files under factory folder (but that’s just hypothetical) :)

NowinskiK commented 9 months ago

I think it's a edge case scenario and not very useful for many. However, because it's possible (as you said) having more than 1 files in factory folder - I'll consider to make it configurable. BTW, did you check whether is it possible now selecting (by including) such file using selective deployment and provide name like "factory.file"?

MartaUch commented 9 months ago

Thank you for taking that into the consideration :) Currently we start with this assumption that only one file is allowed to use incremental deployment and it works as suppose to, so thank you for this great tool once again :)

Did you check whether is it possible now selecting (by including) such file using selective deployment and provide name like "factory.file"? Yes, I was checking that already when I was raising similar issue in the past: The goal was to have three json files that would represent environments (without configuration files and with incremental deployment). But as a result, adftools_deployment_state was never deployed (for other environments) because during the step ""STEP: Updating (incremental) deployment state...", only first file found under factory folder is taken. Deployment of global parameters only (without incremental deployment) would work.

Example (but this time with config file): image image image image image