Azure-Player /

PowerShell module to deploy Synapse workspace (and more) in Microsoft Azure.
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Including an option gives an error #2

Closed FrenkLoonen closed 2 years ago

FrenkLoonen commented 2 years ago

[error]A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'option'.

Using this code:

$opt = New-SynapsePublishOption
$opt.StopStartTriggers = $false
Publish-SynapseFromJson -RootFolder "$RootFolder" -ResourceGroupName "$ResourceGroupName" -SynapseWorkspaceName "$SynapseWorkspaceName" -Location "$Location" -Option $opt

Probably because ApplyExclusionOptions.ps1 only has the $synapse parameter.

The synapse code is different from adf: synapse:

    # Apply Deployment Options if applicable
    if ($null -ne $Option) {
        ApplyExclusionOptions -synapse $synapse -option $opt


    # Apply Deployment Options if applicable
    if ($null -ne $Option) {
        ApplyExclusionOptions -adf $adf
NowinskiK commented 2 years ago

Thanks. This should be resolved now. Please double check.