Azure-Player /

PowerShell module to deploy Synapse workspace (and more) in Microsoft Azure.
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STEP: Deployment of all Synapse objects fails #6

Closed FrenkLoonen closed 2 years ago

FrenkLoonen commented 2 years ago

I have tried deploying but it keeps giving me errors. I tried with all different types of objects. I tried a single LS with dependencies, a LS without dependencies, I deployed one manually to see if it got to the point where it checks that it has already been deployed but it never gets that far. Here's an example. Unfortunately, no helpful error message.

###                                            Version 0.16.000 ###
Invoking Publish-SynapseFromJson (
with the following parameters:
RootFolder:         D:\a\1\a\SynapseAnalytics\
ResourceGroupName: [REDACTED]
Synapse Workspace:  [REDACTED]
Location:           WestEurope
Options provided:   True
Publishing method:  AzResource
Publish options are provided.
STEP: Verifying whether Synapse workspace exists...
Synapse Workspace exists.
STEP: Reading Synapse Workspace from JSON files...
IntegrationRuntimes: 2 object(s) loaded.
LinkedServices: 6 object(s) loaded.
Pipelines: 11 object(s) loaded.
DataSets: 4 object(s) loaded.
DataFlows: 1 object(s) loaded.
Triggers: 4 object(s) loaded.
SqlScripts: 0 object(s) loaded.
KqlScripts: 0 object(s) loaded.
Notebooks: 0 object(s) loaded.
Managed VNet: 1 object(s) loaded.
Managed Private Endpoints: 5 object(s) loaded.
# Number of objects marked as to be deployed: 1/34
- [linkedService].[LS_KEV]
STEP: Replacing all properties environment-related...
Stage parameter was not provided - action skipped.
STEP: Stopping triggers...
Getting triggers...
STEP: Deployment of all Synapse objects...
Start deploying object: [linkedService].[LS_KEV] (0 dependency/ies)
CorrelationId: 381e728a-bf2a-44dd-a9fb-bd68b7ebfc73
##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
FrenkLoonen commented 2 years ago

Running it locally gave me:

Line |
 162 |              New-AzResource `
     |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Seeing that 'AzResource' deployment method is not supported, I used method 'AzSynapse' which was successful.