Azure-Samples / Cognitive-Services-Voice-Assistant

Welcome to the Microsoft Voice Assistant samples repository! Here you will find samples to help you get started building client application for your bot or Custom Command service. You will also be able to easily deploy a working Custom Command based Voice Assistant to your own Azure subscription
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Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Code: 2543. #557

Closed albanoandrea closed 3 years ago

albanoandrea commented 3 years ago

This issue is for a:

- [x] bug report 
- [ ] feature request
- [ ] documentation issue or request
- [ ] regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped in a new release)

Minimal steps to reproduce

Build on a custom Yocto based iMX8MM Seems unable to connect to the server. Same configuration file working on x64 Ubuntu machine.

Any log messages given by the failure

1 16:50:42.923 Now listening... New status : Listening SESSION STARTED: e91a22bf-6af1-46d8-a37d-289dd463c6d3 ... CANCELED: Reason=1 New status : Idle CANCELED: ErrorDetails=Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Code: 2543. SessionId: fd4b9f51c6a54dc8b120f2055fb91286 CANCELED: Did you update the subscription info? SESSION STOPPED: e91a22bf-6af1-46d8-a37d-289dd463c6d3 ...

OS and Version?




albanoandrea commented 3 years ago

We have enabled the log and this is what happens:

[450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:691 error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: trace_message.cpp:202 Error: File:/csspeech/external/azure-c-shared-utility/adapters/tlsio_openssl.c Func:send_handshake_bytes Line:691 [450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:2434 FORCE-Closing tlsio instance. [450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: trace_message.cpp:202 Error: File:/csspeech/external/azure-c-shared-utility/adapters/tlsio_openssl.c Func:tlsio_openssl_close Line:2434 [450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: web_socket.cpp:884 WS open operation failed with result=1(WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED), code=2543[0x000009ef] [450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: uspimpl.cpp:1036 TS:422, TransportError: connection:0x980022d0, code=5, string=Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Code: 2543. [450625]: 16173ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: usp_reco_engine_adapter.cpp:2022 Response: On Error: Code:5, Message: Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Code: 2543.. [450625]: 16173ms SPX_DBG_TRACE_VERBOSE: usp_reco_engine_adapter.cpp:2707 TryChangeState; audioState/uspState: 2/1000 => 2/-1 USP-ERRORERROR [450625]: 16174ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: usp_reco_engine_adapter.cpp:2036 OnError: site->Error() ... error='Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Code: 2543.' [450625]:

albanoandrea commented 3 years ago

Doing everything by myself. I had to change the path where certificate are in this way: export SSL_CERT_DIR=/usr/lib/ssl-1.1/certs

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