Azure-Samples / Cognitive-Speech-STT-Windows

Windows SDK for the Microsoft Speech-to-Text API, part of Cognitive Services
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SpeechClient.dll frequently crashes #17

Closed leviyakir closed 7 years ago

leviyakir commented 7 years ago

Recently we have upgraded version to (the current one) hoping it will be more stable. With the old version we've had 2 crashes: 1) When going online after being offline. 2) When deleting the DataRecognitionClient object after calling EndAudio, because callbacks were still streaming results (we use managed C++).

With the new version we have 2 crashes of which the first is catastrophic: 1) Very frequently: Less than a seconds after sending audio to the transcription server SpeechClient.dll working thread crashes. 2) As in #2 above.

Stack traces for the new crashes: 1) ExceptionAddressSymbolInfo=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D6783, module offset(base): 0x46783(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace00=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D6783, module offset(base): 0x46783(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace01=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D744E, module offset(base): 0x4744e(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace02=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D8A95, module offset(base): 0x48a95(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace03=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D7DD9, module offset(base): 0x47dd9(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace04=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D3A8D, module offset(base): 0x43a8d(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace05=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2D31C8, module offset(base): 0x431c8(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace06=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2C18DA, module offset(base): 0x318da(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace07=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2FF087, module offset(base): 0x6f087(0x7ffc0f290000) StackTrace08=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFC0F2FEC4D, module offset(base): 0x6ec4d(0x7ffc0f290000)

2) ExceptionAddressSymbolInfo=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4E30209, module offset(base): 0x60209(0x7ffdc4dd0000) StackTrace00=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4E30209, module offset(base): 0x60209(0x7ffdc4dd0000) StackTrace01=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4E30398, module offset(base): 0x60398(0x7ffdc4dd0000) StackTrace02=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4DFDE90, module offset(base): 0x2de90(0x7ffdc4dd0000) StackTrace03=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4DFF499, module offset(base): 0x2f499(0x7ffdc4dd0000) StackTrace04=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4E3F04C, module offset(base): 0x6f04c(0x7ffdc4dd0000) StackTrace05=C:\Program Files\Screenovate\BluePhone\SpeechClient.dll! DllUnregisterServer - 0x00007FFDC4E3EC4D, module offset(base): 0x6ec4d(0x7ffdc4dd0000)

xin9le commented 7 years ago

A same problem has occurred in my environment, and I'm really confused because exception can NOT be caught. This speech to text API is extremely wonderful and a necessary function for us. I hope it'll be fixed as soon as possible.

xin9le commented 7 years ago

Following is simple reproduction code. Please check it out.

Reproduction code

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition;

namespace BingSpeechApi
    class Program
        static void Main()
                var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(_ => AnalyzeAsync());
            catch (Exception ex)

        private static async Task AnalyzeAsync()
            using (var client = SpeechRecognitionServiceFactory.CreateDataClient(SpeechRecognitionMode.ShortPhrase, "en-US", "API key here"))
                //--- callback
                var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
                client.OnResponseReceived += (sender, e) =>
                    foreach (var x in e.PhraseResponse.Results)
                client.OnPartialResponseReceived += (sender, e) =>

                //--- send data
                using (var fs = new FileStream("WAVE file path here", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    var buffer = new byte[1024 * 10];
                    var readBytes = 0;
                        readBytes = await fs.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        client.SendAudio(buffer, buffer.Length);
                    while (readBytes > 0);

                //--- wait for result 
                GC.Collect();  // In order to make error easily.
                await tcs.Task;

Occured exception








場所 HostCallbacks.{ctor}(HostCallbacks* , INameValueCollection* , IntPtr , IntPtr , IntPtr , IntPtr , IntPtr )
場所 Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition.Conversation.InitializeBase(Preferences prefs)
場所 Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition.Conversation.CreateAudioStream(SpeechAudioFormat format)
場所 Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition.DataRecognitionClient.SleepAndSendAudioWorker()
場所 Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition.WorkQueue.ThreadWorker()
場所 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
場所 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
場所 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
場所 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
priyaravi20 commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience. Bing Speech team is aware of the issue and actively working to resolve it. I will provide an update before EOD.

Thanks Priya Rajan, Bing Speech PM

jasonvomsft commented 7 years ago

@leviyakir your exceptions mentioned for seem to point to your machine not having a Microphone. Can you confirm?

@xin9le I can't reproduce with your sample. Can you try the public sample and verify that works?

@leviyakir and @xin9le if you have new exceptions, please provide crash dumps..

xin9le commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the quick answer :)

I tried your public sample, I could NOT reproduce.However I think the reason why it's working on single thread. I wanna use this SDK on multi-thread environment (IOW server side). That's the reason why, I presented a sample that works on multi-thread.

I wonder if the combination of thread management and native function call is not good. Especially, I think this problem occurs around the DataRecognitionClient.Dispose().

Following attachment file is one of the crash report. I hope it helps you.

Best regards,

xin9le commented 7 years ago

If thread management is the cause, the following way may also be effective for reproduction. Please try this.

static void Main()
        //--- add these
        ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(1, 1);
        ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(2, 2);

        var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(_ => AnalyzeAsync());
    catch (Exception ex)
leviyakir commented 7 years ago

My machine has a microphone. Regardless, I am using the data client feature and sending audio buffers. I have 2 dumps for case 1: and I will look for dumps for case 2.

leviyakir commented 7 years ago

There is case 3 I haven't mentioned yet: Start transcribing when not connected to Internet and then connect. 100% repro of crash. I attached a dump and a revised version of the published sample that you can reproduce this crash with. I used the wav file for long dictation mode. Link to dump, exe, pdb, and source files (to replace existing ones): Call stack:

KERNELBASE.dll!DebugBreak() Unknown websocket.dll!ReportFatalException(unsigned int64,unsigned long,enum FATAL_FAILURE_REASON_TYPE,unsigned long) Unknown websocket.dll!WebSocket::VerifyCookie(void) Unknown websocket.dll!WebSocketReceive() Unknown winhttp.dll!WebSocketLibrary::Receive(union _WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER *) Unknown winhttp.dll!WEB_SOCKET_HANDLE_OBJECT::BeginBackgroundReceive(void) Unknown winhttp.dll!WEB_SOCKET_HANDLE_OBJECT::Initialize(unsigned int64) Unknown winhttp.dll!WEB_SOCKET_HANDLE_OBJECT::WEB_SOCKET_HANDLE_OBJECT(class INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT ,int,void ()(void ,unsigned __int64,unsigned long,void ,unsigned long),unsigned long,unsigned int64,class WebSocketLibrary *,unsigned int64) Unknown winhttp.dll!RMakeWebSocketObjectHandle(class INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT ,int,void ()(void ,unsigned __int64,unsigned long,void ,unsigned long),unsigned long,unsigned int64,class WebSocketLibrary *,unsigned int64,class WEB_SOCKET_HANDLE_OBJECT ) Unknown winhttp.dll!WinHttpWebSocketCompleteUpgradeCore(void ,unsigned __int64,void ) Unknown winhttp.dll!WinHttpWebSocketCompleteUpgradeInternal(void ,unsigned __int64) Unknown winhttp.dll!WinHttpWebSocketCompleteUpgrade() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08c515() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08c9e4() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08bf65() Unknown winhttp.dll!HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::_SafeAppCallback() Unknown winhttp.dll!WinHttpReceiveResponse() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08cd46() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08c796() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08ca13() Unknown SpeechClient.dll!00007ffcdf08bf65() Unknown winhttp.dll!HTTP_USER_REQUEST::OnSendRequest() Unknown winhttp.dll!WEBIO_REQUEST::OnIoComplete() Unknown winhttp.dll!HTTP_THREAD_POOL::_StaticWorkItemCallback() Unknown ntdll.dll!TppWorkpExecuteCallback() Unknown ntdll.dll!TppWorkerThread() Unknown kernel32.dll!00007ffd3ddf8364() Unknown ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown

leviyakir commented 7 years ago

3 more dumps for case 1: (same call stack). And another (a different call stack):

leviyakir commented 7 years ago

Dumps for case 2 (when stopping). This one is surely for stop: This one is different and probably for stop as well:

leviyakir commented 7 years ago

Another one for case 1:

xin9le commented 7 years ago

@priyaravi20 @jasonvomsft What did you come up with to solve this problem? Can you tell me about the progress on this?

Best regards,

RayGrooms commented 7 years ago

We are unable to duplicate the issue with the latest version of SpeecClient.dll that i have downloaded from nuget(

Plasma commented 7 years ago

I'm receiving this too. If I Dispose() of the client some time later I get the exception that cannot be caught by any .NET code.

Plasma commented 7 years ago

This is in the latest 1.0.3 client btw

imzaheermehmood commented 7 years ago

Its crashing on windows 10 machines. I am using latest

priyaravi20 commented 7 years ago

Hi - Since its a long thread I want to understand the exact steps you use to repro so we can dig deeper. I have a windows 10 machine and have not been able to repro so it will be a huge help if you can provide us more info. Thanks!

imzaheermehmood commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your reply. I had other Redistributables but Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable was missing on some machines. It fixed my issue.