Azure-Samples / Cognitive-Speech-STT-Windows

Windows SDK for the Microsoft Speech-to-Text API, part of Cognitive Services
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Abnormal dispose time after StartRec #30

Closed IlGalvo closed 6 years ago

IlGalvo commented 6 years ago

Hi, with the latest library update (, NuGet), i noticed that after calling -StartMicAndRecognition();- the dispose() time takes about 2 to 3 secs. This is weird because if you dispose the -MicrophoneRecognitionClient- just after the constructor, it only takes some milliseconds. I followed the example and noticed that this happens in it too. I remain available for any other information. Thanks.

priyaravi20 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I was able to reproduce the delay in dispose and we will add the fix to next update.

Impertatore commented 6 years ago

-- moved this post to a specific thread:

I'm receiving the following warning after installing the latest version of 'Microsoft.ProjectOxford.SpeechRecognition; version'; it suggests that the assembly is not signed; where can I locate the signed version of this assembly?

CS8002: Referenced assembly 'SpeechClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have a strong name

priyaravi20 commented 6 years ago

Hi - We will fix this in the next update. In the meantime as long as you get the SDK from official place in nuget this should not be a blocker I hope.

MEK3DK commented 6 years ago

I also have the problem with the "does not have a strong name" I use the nuget package. It is a blocker for me, when it the next update?

priyaravi20 commented 6 years ago

We are planning for an update in a month.

priyaravi20 commented 6 years ago

Please get the latest update to get the strong name issue fix,

IlGalvo commented 6 years ago

I just did the update, but it Still takes a lot of time when Disposing() etc.