Closed Realmonia closed 7 years ago
This happened to me as well. In my case I fixed it by resolving the object auto-layout constraints in IB because the objects were still there, however they were just being blocked or moved offscreen by other objects.
On Oct 10, 2017, at 1:01 AM, Heming Han<> wrote:
It gives following error when click start. It does say "language generation OK" which I think the request is successfully sent..
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIControl isSelected] PID: 4064, TID: 128887, Thread name: (none), Queue name:, QoS: 21 Backtrace: 4 SpeechRecognitionServerExample 0x000000010a195ccd -[ViewController modeIndex] + 253 5 SpeechRecognitionServerExample 0x000000010a1959db -[ViewController mode] + 43 6 SpeechRecognitionServerExample 0x000000010a19792b -[ViewController onFinalResponseReceived:] + 59 7 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a48afda -[Conversation onFinalResponseReceived:] + 58 8 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a489f4b _ZN13HostCallbacks26HandleConversationResponseEiRKNSt3112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERNS0_10unique_ptrIN4Bing6Speech20INameValueCollectionENS0_14default_deleteISC_EEEE + 1125 9 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a602321 _ZN10CspWrapper26HandleConversationResponseEiRKNSt3112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERNS0_10unique_ptrIN4Bing6Speech20INameValueCollectionENS0_14default_deleteISC_EEEE + 1529 10 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a63847d _ZN14CUConversation23MessageConsumerCallBackERNSt3110unique_ptrIN4Bing6Speech8IMessageENS0_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 1495 11 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a648363 _ZN4Bing6Speech8CUClient13InvokeRequestERKSt6guid_tRNSt3110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS5_14default_deleteIS7_EEEEb + 129 12 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a648182 _ZN4Bing6Speech8CUClient23MessageConsumerCallBackERNSt3110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS2_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 276 13 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a651773 _ZN4Bing6Speech19WebSocketConnection17OnReceivedMessageERNSt3110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS2_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 63 14 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a651790 _ZThn376_N4Bing6Speech19WebSocketConnection17OnReceivedMessageERNSt3110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS2_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 16 15 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a653efe _ZN4Bing6Speech16WebSocketChannel24OnReceiveMessageCompleteERNS0_14IHttpWebSocketENS0_22WebSocketMessageFormat4TypeE + 576 16 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a66e78f _ZN9WSRequest15OnDataAvailableERN4Bing6Speech12IHttpRequestEj + 667 17 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a66d81a _ZN7Request6WorkerEv + 210 18 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a66ed0f _ZN7Request8S_WorkerEPv + 35 19 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a6760c8 _ZL7TPStartPv + 20 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010fa0c93b _pthread_body + 180 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010fa0c887 _pthread_body + 0 22 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010fa0c08d thread_start + 13 2017-10-10 00:52:14.103432-0400 SpeechRecognitionServerExample[4064:128887] [reports] Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIControl isSelected] PID: 4064, TID: 128887, Thread name: (none), Queue name:, QoS: 21 Backtrace: 4 SpeechRecognitionServerExample 0x000000010a195ccd -[ViewController modeIndex] + 253 5 SpeechRecognitionServerExample 0x000000010a1959db -[ViewController mode] + 43 6 SpeechRecognitionServerExample 0x000000010a19792b -[ViewController onFinalResponseReceived:] + 59 7 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a48afda -[Conversation onFinalResponseReceived:] + 58 8 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a489f4b _ZN13HostCallbacks26HandleConversationResponseEiRKNSt3112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERNS0_10unique_ptrIN4Bing6Speech20INameValueCollectionENS0_14default_deleteISC_EEEE + 1125 9 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a602321 _ZN10CspWrapper26HandleConversationResponseEiRKNSt3112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERNS0_10unique_ptrIN4Bing6Speech20INameValueCollectionENS0_14default_deleteISC_EEEE + 1529 10 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a63847d _ZN14CUConversation23MessageConsumerCallBackERNSt3110unique_ptrIN4Bing6Speech8IMessageENS0_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 1495 11 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a648363 _ZN4Bing6Speech8CUClient13InvokeRequestERKSt6guid_tRNSt3110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS5_14default_deleteIS7_EEEEb + 129 12 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a648182 _ZN4Bing6Speech8CUClient23MessageConsumerCallBackERNSt3110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS2_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 276 13 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a651773 _ZN4Bing6Speech19WebSocketConnection17OnReceivedMessageERNSt3__110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS2_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 63 14 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a651790 _ZThn376_N4Bing6Speech19WebSocketConnection17OnReceivedMessageERNSt3__110unique_ptrINS0_8IMessageENS2_14default_deleteIS4_EEEE + 16 15 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a653efe _ZN4Bing6Speech16WebSocketChannel24OnReceiveMessageCompleteERNS0_14IHttpWebSocketENS0_22WebSocketMessageFormat4TypeE + 576 16 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a66e78f _ZN9WSRequest15OnDataAvailableERN4Bing6Speech12IHttpRequestEj + 667 17 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a66d81a _ZN7Request6WorkerEv + 210 18 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a66ed0f _ZN7Request8S_WorkerEPv + 35 19 SpeechSDK 0x000000010a6760c8 _ZL7TPStartPv + 20 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010fa0c93b _pthread_body + 180 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010fa0c887 _pthread_body + 0 22 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010fa0c08d thread_start + 13 originating error 0x80004005 Failed to 'hresult', HR=80004005, WebSocket connection failed No messages to retry, closing. Closing web socket channel Web socket channel closed (state = 0) CU Client connection dropped ConnectionStateChanged WebSocket closed unexpectedly, status: 0 Web socket channel already closed.
And It seems the UI is a little bit strange, which there is no frame for text to appear: [screen shot 2017-10-10 at 1 00 06 am] Could you help me with this?
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Problem solved after resolve layout problem
Problem solved by unchecking auto layout.
I am using the framework in one of our applications that needs to convert short phrased speech to text. Earlier I was on the free trial version of Azure and it was working fine. Recently I upgraded to the standard account. Ever since the account was upgraded and the API keys along with the region. I have been facing this issues. The result of the transcription is displayed in a message text box (MessageKit).
Can you help me out on this ? Because the only change was the account upgrade and key+region changes.
It gives following error when click start. It does say "language generation OK" which I think the request is successfully sent..
And It seems the UI is a little bit strange, which there is no frame for text to appear: Could you help me with this?