Azure-Samples / IoTMQTTSample

MQTT samples for Azure IoT
MIT License
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using mosquitto_pub with own CA #1

Closed j900155 closed 4 years ago

j900155 commented 4 years ago

I try to use My CA that create by azure-iot-sdk-c.
upload the rootCA and Verified it. using vs code get SAS key like SharedAccessSignature ....&se=15....703

topic: devices/mqtt1/messages/events/
Client mqtt1 sending CONNECT
Error: A TLS error occurred.
ericmitt commented 4 years ago

Hi @j900155 You are trying to use your device cert here but what’s needed is the server’s CA cert, which is provided in the sample. The sample is written to use username/password for authentication (not device certs), so you don’t need device certs.

Let me know if that help and I'll close the issue. Best.

j900155 commented 4 years ago

thank for reply i try to remove cafile and try like this.

mosquitto_pub -d -h ${hub} -p 8883 -i ${device} -u ${user} -P "${sasKey}" -t ${topic} -m '{"a":1}'  --cafile IoTHubRootCA_Baltimore.pem -q 1

it's ok thanks

j900155 commented 4 years ago

if i use X.509 CA Certificates then i do not need to SAS key. it's that right?

ericmitt commented 4 years ago

Yes you're right. It is doable if you use device certs instead of “password” option. In that case you don’t need to use SAS key (as password).

If you try it from command line, you will use the “—cert” flag instead of username password flags. Using the Mosquitto library in our sample, you will have to update “mosquitto_tls_set” to include the cert file besides the cacert file.

ericmitt commented 4 years ago

Does this resolved your issue?

j900155 commented 4 years ago

Yes. Thank for you answer.