Open PiDiBi opened 8 years ago
I probably found the problem testing on HDInsight cluster with access to my storage second position is not time but VIN and as input is "Input string was not in a correct format." = 41chars vin in factTripDataTemp is nvarchar(20) i will update find where to fix it
PR created with fixes
CopyPipeline-FactTripDataBlobToSQL failed with
input: FactTripData-Blob - /tripdata/tables/factTripDataoutput/000000_0 sample
second position! (should be date time) output table columnt is nvarchar(20)
output: FactTripDataTemp-SQL
factTripDataoutput: factTripData.hql tripDataWIP: FROM_UNIXTIME(minUnixTimestamp) as tripStartTime FROM tripDataWIPView tripDataWIPView: MIN(unixtimestamp) as minUnixTimestamp FROM tripDataInt
tripDataInt: tripDataInt.hql UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(SPLIT(RecordedTimeStamp,'T')[0],' ',SUBSTR(SPLIT(RecordedTimeStamp,'T')[1],0,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as unixtimestamp FROM tripdata
tripdata is external table mapped to storage/rawdata/tripdata sample of recorededtimestamp: 2016-04-22T13:31:37.1735276Z
And it probably fails is it some way how to test this part of script?