Azure-Samples / MyDriving

Building IoT or Mobile solutions are fun and exciting. This year for Build, we wanted to show the amazing scenarios that can come together when these two are combined. So, we went and developed a sample application. MyDriving uses a wide range of Azure services to process and analyze car telemetry data for both real-time insights and long-term patterns and trends. The following features are supported in the current version of the mobile app.
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Error with deploy.ps1 -> SQLSprocCleanupPipeline' failed with message 'The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.' #544

Closed PeterSterk closed 8 years ago

PeterSterk commented 8 years ago

During running deploy.ps1, I end up with the following error message:

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 10:18:16 - Resource Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datapipelines 'mydriving-dfbjokizo7zoahc/SQLSprocCleanupPipeline' failed with message 'The resource operation completed with terminal p rovisioning state 'Failed'.' At C:\Data\MyDriving-master\scripts\PowerShell\deploy.ps1:144 char:16

Not sure what to do next?

Thanks, Peter

PiDiBi commented 8 years ago

do you have src\HDInsight\hivescripts*.hql scripts at correct destination? as first step of deploy they are uploaded to storage account you must have same value of baseName property in scenario_complete.json and prerequisites.json if you changed it

PeterSterk commented 8 years ago

Yes, I have 6 items in that folder and they upload successfully at the beginning. I haven't changed the baseName property in either files (keeping all defaults). The thing is, 2-3 weeks ago I was able to successfully deploy using the same scripts...

PiDiBi commented 8 years ago

try pls this: find Data factory in azure portal and look for this pipeline - Pipelines Tile, there could be some error visible

I will try add later VS2015 solution to project with DataFactory as project to easily edit and publish it

PiDiBi commented 8 years ago

reproduced, will try to fix it

Found at place I suggested to you: The Stored Procedure Activity Linked Service 'AzureStorageLinkedService' is of an unsupported type.

PeterSterk commented 8 years ago

Great, looking forward to that fix. Thanks in advance! I missed that suggestion?

PiDiBi commented 8 years ago

it will take some time (testing takes time), if you wanna deploy without HDInsight, delete it form json script - try to find /* Create Data Factory */

PeterSterk commented 8 years ago

I have seen your comment in issue #525, not sure where I can change that and to what value?

PiDiBi commented 8 years ago

it's old comment/issue before I joined team, I will clean old issues it's fixed in \src\DataFactory\ - you need add FinalTempDataSet-Sql dataset and link it to this dataset but it's not fixed in ARM json file I'm working on it

PiDiBi commented 8 years ago

fixed deployment of Data Factory (fixed and tested deployment not if DF is working) another issues for DF exists - will work on it later