Azure-Samples / active-directory-b2c-custom-policy-starterpack

Azure AD B2C now allows uploading of a Custom Policy which allows full control and customization of the Identity Experience Framework
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Updated Schema to Align with Microsoft Documentation #88

Closed TheUniquePaulSmith closed 3 years ago

TheUniquePaulSmith commented 3 years ago

Schema validation fails due to missing schema defined elements and attributes. I have added those missing components to the schema file so that my CI/CD of a working custom policy can be schema validated. All modifications where checked against: Microsoft B2C documentation

Below is a summary of items:

Potential Issue: The attribute ElementId under LocalizedString element is marked as mandatory but according to the documentation is not defined when the ElementType is set to UXElement. To address this i've changed the ElementId to optional

ghost commented 3 years ago

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