Azure-Samples / active-directory-dotnet-graphapi-web

A .NET 4.5 MVC web app that demonstrates how to query the Azure AD Graph API using the Azure AD Graph Client Library
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AcquireTokenSilent fails if the sample is converted to multi tenant app #10

Open anujc opened 9 years ago

anujc commented 9 years ago

I converted this to a multitenant app by changing ida:Tenant in web.config to Common, flipping the is mutlittenant option to Yes in Azure portal and setting ValidateIssuer to false. The login works but when trying to see the user profile, the AcquireTokenSilent call results in no token. It works fine if I change ida:Tenant to tenant name.

dkershaw10 commented 8 years ago

You might want to look at one of the multi-tenant samples that we offer to see the best way to acquire tokens for this scenario. See