Azure-Samples / active-directory-dotnet-graphapi-web

A .NET 4.5 MVC web app that demonstrates how to query the Azure AD Graph API using the Azure AD Graph Client Library
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Issue Getting Stuff #15

Closed acitinnovation closed 8 years ago

acitinnovation commented 9 years ago


here is my problem : I have create the Azure website, and publish everything on it. Now when I go on the site and I sign in with my account it work great. I can see the message in the top right corner "Hello, !"

If I go in the User profile section everything work great and I see my info. The issue is when I want to see another section. Let say "UserList"

If I click on the UserList link I see the page but the table is empty (And my AAD is full of users) and I see the message "You have to sign-in to see Users. Click here to sign-in."

If I click on the link the re-sign-in then I have an infinite loop that is starting.

Can you guide me on what could I have done wrong ?

Thanks !

mgmiles commented 9 years ago

I am having exactly the same issue. Does anyone what the problem is?


wycoconut commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem as well. Really appreciate it if someone can help us out.

SharePointRadi commented 9 years ago

If you look at the exception it will tell you that you have insufficient permissions. The actual exception handling is not fantastic in the sample.

To get it working (I just did) go to you Azure portal, your directory, open the application configuration, make sure you give it delegated permissions:


pandrew1 commented 9 years ago

I'm getting this same issue even when running the sample on my local machine. The example Azure AD directory works fine. I've added all 6 of the permissions in the screenshot from SharePointRadi and after that I cleared cookies. But I'm still getting the error. Any other ideas for how to debug this?

shawntabrizi commented 8 years ago

Hi All, I ran into this same issue, and figured out that the problem with with my Reply URL configuration in the sample. I had followed the instructions before, setting my Reply URL to localhost, but then when moving to my own Azure Website, I didnt update it, which seems to cause this infinite loop.

Make sure your ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri value is correct in the web.config!

EDIT: As an additional note, I did NOT need to add the additional permissions to get this working. I only needed the 2 delegated permissions that were described in the instructions.

dkershaw10 commented 8 years ago

@acitinnovation - does Shawn's recommendation fix your infinite loop issue?

acitinnovation commented 8 years ago

@shawntabrizi solution work great !