Azure-Samples / active-directory-dotnet-graphapi-web

A .NET 4.5 MVC web app that demonstrates how to query the Azure AD Graph API using the Azure AD Graph Client Library
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Library can't fetch expanded properties, doesn't handle 404 errors as well. #33

Open vvolodin opened 8 years ago

vvolodin commented 8 years ago

This is ridiculous, library literally can't do anything I need from it.

I need to get 1 user's properties including his memberOf array. My code:

var currentUser = client.Users.GetByObjectId(currentUserObjectId).Expand(x => x.MemberOf).ExecuteAsync().Result;

First of all, this code makes a request like this one:$expand=memberOf&api-version=1.6

Notice the () at the end of the user id. This request results in 404 of course, because it's not a valid GUID. What's event worse is that the library can't handle it, task never finishes.

dkershaw10 commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the issue here. This is a known issue with how we generate the client library. We'll try and get this fixed in the next version of the client library.