Azure-Samples / active-directory-dotnet-graphapi-web

A .NET 4.5 MVC web app that demonstrates how to query the Azure AD Graph API using the Azure AD Graph Client Library
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'How To Run This Sample' fails with access denied #7

Closed ronnieholm closed 6 years ago

ronnieholm commented 9 years ago

Following steps 1 and 2 on how to run the web app launches the web site in the browser. Clicking any of the links (Profile, UserList, GroupList, ContactList, RoleList) results in a yellow error page:

OpenIdConnectMessage.Error was not null, indicating a possible error: 'access_denied'
Error_Description (may be empty): 'AADSTS50034: User account is not registered
for the account. 
Trace ID: 2c8b724a-d6a9-45f0-897d-41ab099961e2
Correlation ID: fa68e2a1-f466-4660-aa54-c2b2c8448912
Timestamp: 2014-08-06 10:20:21Z
sri- commented 9 years ago

Hi ronnieholm,

The error occurs if you are signing in as a user from a tenant other than the one configured in the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.

Make sure you clear your browser cookies and sign in as if you configured the app with tenant.
