Open sam-wheat opened 5 months ago
You need to do that:
- IConfiguration appSettings = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile(configFilePath, false).Build();
var tokenAcquirerFactory = TokenAcquirerFactory.GetDefaultInstance();
- tokenAcquirerFactory.Services.AddDownstreamApi("MyApi", appSettings);
+ tokenAcquirerFactory.Services.AddDownstreamApi("MyApi", tokenAcquirerFactory.Configuration.GetSection("MyApi"));
var sp = tokenAcquirerFactory.Build();
var api = sp.GetRequiredService<IDownstreamApi>();
string result = await api.GetForAppAsync<string>("MyAPI");
but you also need an "AzureAd" section unless you want to use Managed identity
Thank you @jmprieur
My config file does not exist in the bin
folder so I create it manually and pass it to AddDownstreamApi
IConfiguration appSettings = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile(configFilePath, false).Build();
The config file does have an AzureAd section. Are you saying that is what is causing the problem? If so, how can I use a config file that does not get copied to bin (secrets file)? In prod it will get copied - however in dev the config file is not source controlled so I hardcode a path and load it as shown.
I'm still stuck on this - any suggestions how to get around this error?
Which chapter of this sample is it about? do you mind providing a link?
This seems to be the default error message and it appears it gets thrown regardless of what error actually occurs.
For example I can shut down my api server and rather than get a 404 I get the error above.
I can also intentionally provide an invalid section name for the api config and I get the same error:
Now, I may be deserving of some error - but that error certainly seems like it is not the one I should be getting:
BaseUrl is provided and the
component is valid - even if it is invalid it is not malformed.How can I troubleshoot this error?