Azure-Samples / active-directory-verifiable-credentials

A code sample demonstrating how to use Azure Active Directory's preview functionality to issue and consume verifiable credentials.
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Error with issuer sample - missing nonce #40

Closed John-Garland closed 2 years ago

John-Garland commented 2 years ago

Authenticator returns an error when scanning the Issuer-provided QR code.

Error Code:SdkException Error Details: Unhandled ExceptionField 'nonce' is required, but it was missing.

A temporary workaround is to use the Verifier sample directly, and take advantage of the fact that it is configured to allow issuance.

It does appear that this is addressed in the Verifier project RequestorBuilder, where useNonce and useState calls are included, but similar calls are not present in the Issuer project.

mahoekst commented 2 years ago

Thanks, an update from Authenticator on Android broke the sample. We are working on an update.

mahoekst commented 2 years ago

Fixed, we added state and nonce to the requistbuilder.