[11:51 AM] Andy Feldman
Hi Mo. Yes I was forcing parallelism of 1 for that test. So I went ahead and kept the result I mentioned (smile)
[11:51 AM] Andy Feldman
Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samplesSample code for Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK for SQL API - Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samplesgithub.com[11:51 AM] Andy Feldman
When you have some time, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on these three docs
[11:52 AM] Andy Feldman
In terms of correctness, what is a must-add, and what could be removed.
[11:51 AM] Andy Feldman Hi Mo. Yes I was forcing parallelism of 1 for that test. So I went ahead and kept the result I mentioned (smile) [11:51 AM] Andy Feldman
Migration guide: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samples/blob/master/migration-guide.md
Reactor vs RxJava: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samples/blob/master/reactor-rxjava-guide.md
Reactor Pattern Guide: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samples/blob/master/reactor-pattern-guide.md
Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samplesSample code for Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK for SQL API - Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-java-sql-api-samplesgithub.com[11:51 AM] Andy Feldman When you have some time, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on these three docs [11:52 AM] Andy Feldman In terms of correctness, what is a must-add, and what could be removed.