Users may experience errors if the proper versions of pods are not specified.
Does this introduce a breaking change?
[ ] Yes
[X] No
Pull Request Type
What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?
[X] Bugfix
[X] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Documentation content changes
[ ] Other... Please describe:
How to Test
Get the code
1. Clone the sample on a Mac OSX device with xcode.
2. Ensure the device has cocoapods installed.
3. In the sample directory (which has the Podfile), call pod repo update, followed by pod install to ensure that the latest cocoapod definitions can be found.
4. Launch the xcode project file in xcode and build the sample, it should launch an iPhone emulator for you.
Users may experience errors if the proper versions of pods are not specified.
Does this introduce a breaking change?
Pull Request Type
What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?
How to Test
What to Check
Verify that the following are valid
Other Information