I can use resource deployment client to deploy a VM with template (like azure-sdk-for-go-samples/quickstart/deploy-vm/mai.go). But when I was using it to deploy a Azure mysql with a template (ServicePrinciple authentication as well), it threw out a exception of 'InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience'.
I have a customer will integrate their IT management system with Azure, this is an obstacle. And they prefer using template to deploy all the resources. Can anybody help me out?
I can use resource deployment client to deploy a VM with template (like azure-sdk-for-go-samples/quickstart/deploy-vm/mai.go). But when I was using it to deploy a Azure mysql with a template (ServicePrinciple authentication as well), it threw out a exception of 'InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience'.
The detail exception information as below: Failed to deploy Azure MysQL: resources.DeploymentsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=401 -- Original Error: Code="InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience" Message="The access token has been obtained for wrong audience or resource 'https://vault.azure.net'. It should exactly match with one of the allowed audiences 'https://management.core.windows.net/','https://management.core.windows.net','https://management.azure.com/','https://management.azure.com'."
I have a customer will integrate their IT management system with Azure, this is an obstacle. And they prefer using template to deploy all the resources. Can anybody help me out?
Thanks, Jerry